model of DCN pyramidal neuron
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

568 lines
16 KiB

"""Extract reference documentation from the NumPy source tree.
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
import inspect
import textwrap
import re
import pydoc
from warnings import warn
import collections
import sys
class Reader(object):
"""A line-based string reader.
def __init__(self, data):
data : str
String with lines separated by '\n'.
if isinstance(data, list):
self._str = data
self._str = data.split("\n") # store string as list of lines
def __getitem__(self, n):
return self._str[n]
def reset(self):
self._l = 0 # current line nr
def read(self):
if not self.eof():
out = self[self._l]
self._l += 1
return out
return ""
def seek_next_non_empty_line(self):
for l in self[self._l :]:
if l.strip():
self._l += 1
def eof(self):
return self._l >= len(self._str)
def read_to_condition(self, condition_func):
start = self._l
for line in self[start:]:
if condition_func(line):
return self[start : self._l]
self._l += 1
if self.eof():
return self[start : self._l + 1]
return []
def read_to_next_empty_line(self):
def is_empty(line):
return not line.strip()
return self.read_to_condition(is_empty)
def read_to_next_unindented_line(self):
def is_unindented(line):
return line.strip() and (len(line.lstrip()) == len(line))
return self.read_to_condition(is_unindented)
def peek(self, n=0):
if self._l + n < len(self._str):
return self[self._l + n]
return ""
def is_empty(self):
return not "".join(self._str).strip()
class NumpyDocString(object):
def __init__(self, docstring, config={}):
docstring = textwrap.dedent(docstring).split("\n")
self._doc = Reader(docstring)
self._parsed_data = {
"Signature": "",
"Summary": [""],
"Extended Summary": [],
"Parameters": [],
"Returns": [],
"Raises": [],
"Warns": [],
"Other Parameters": [],
"Attributes": [],
"Methods": [],
"See Also": [],
"Notes": [],
"Warnings": [],
"References": "",
"Examples": "",
"index": {},
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._parsed_data[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
if key not in self._parsed_data:
warn("Unknown section %s" % key)
self._parsed_data[key] = val
def _is_at_section(self):
if self._doc.eof():
return False
l1 = self._doc.peek().strip() # e.g. Parameters
if l1.startswith(".. index::"):
return True
l2 = self._doc.peek(1).strip() # ---------- or ==========
return l2.startswith("-" * len(l1)) or l2.startswith("=" * len(l1))
def _strip(self, doc):
i = 0
j = 0
for i, line in enumerate(doc):
if line.strip():
for j, line in enumerate(doc[::-1]):
if line.strip():
return doc[i : len(doc) - j]
def _read_to_next_section(self):
section = self._doc.read_to_next_empty_line()
while not self._is_at_section() and not self._doc.eof():
if not self._doc.peek(-1).strip(): # previous line was empty
section += [""]
section += self._doc.read_to_next_empty_line()
return section
def _read_sections(self):
while not self._doc.eof():
data = self._read_to_next_section()
name = data[0].strip()
if name.startswith(".."): # index section
yield name, data[1:]
elif len(data) < 2:
yield StopIteration
yield name, self._strip(data[2:])
def _parse_param_list(self, content):
r = Reader(content)
params = []
while not r.eof():
header =
if " : " in header:
arg_name, arg_type = header.split(" : ")[:2]
arg_name, arg_type = header, ""
desc = r.read_to_next_unindented_line()
desc = dedent_lines(desc)
params.append((arg_name, arg_type, desc))
return params
_name_rgx = re.compile(
r" (?P<name2>[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+))\s*",
def _parse_see_also(self, content):
func_name : Descriptive text
continued text
another_func_name : Descriptive text
func_name1, func_name2, :meth:`func_name`, func_name3
items = []
def parse_item_name(text):
"""Match ':role:`name`' or 'name'"""
m = self._name_rgx.match(text)
if m:
g = m.groups()
if g[1] is None:
return g[3], None
return g[2], g[1]
raise ValueError("%s is not a item name" % text)
def push_item(name, rest):
if not name:
name, role = parse_item_name(name)
items.append((name, list(rest), role))
del rest[:]
current_func = None
rest = []
for line in content:
if not line.strip():
m = self._name_rgx.match(line)
if m and line[m.end() :].strip().startswith(":"):
push_item(current_func, rest)
current_func, line = line[: m.end()], line[m.end() :]
rest = [line.split(":", 1)[1].strip()]
if not rest[0]:
rest = []
elif not line.startswith(" "):
push_item(current_func, rest)
current_func = None
if "," in line:
for func in line.split(","):
if func.strip():
push_item(func, [])
elif line.strip():
current_func = line
elif current_func is not None:
push_item(current_func, rest)
return items
def _parse_index(self, section, content):
.. index: default
:refguide: something, else, and more
def strip_each_in(lst):
return [s.strip() for s in lst]
out = {}
section = section.split("::")
if len(section) > 1:
out["default"] = strip_each_in(section[1].split(","))[0]
for line in content:
line = line.split(":")
if len(line) > 2:
out[line[1]] = strip_each_in(line[2].split(","))
return out
def _parse_summary(self):
"""Grab signature (if given) and summary"""
if self._is_at_section():
# If several signatures present, take the last one
while True:
summary = self._doc.read_to_next_empty_line()
summary_str = " ".join([s.strip() for s in summary]).strip()
if re.compile("^([\w., ]+=)?\s*[\w\.]+\(.*\)$").match(summary_str):
self["Signature"] = summary_str
if not self._is_at_section():
if summary is not None:
self["Summary"] = summary
if not self._is_at_section():
self["Extended Summary"] = self._read_to_next_section()
def _parse(self):
for (section, content) in self._read_sections():
if not section.startswith(".."):
section = " ".join([s.capitalize() for s in section.split(" ")])
if section in (
"Other Parameters",
self[section] = self._parse_param_list(content)
elif section.startswith(".. index::"):
self["index"] = self._parse_index(section, content)
elif section == "See Also":
self["See Also"] = self._parse_see_also(content)
self[section] = content
# string conversion routines
def _str_header(self, name, symbol="-"):
return [name, len(name) * symbol]
def _str_indent(self, doc, indent=4):
out = []
for line in doc:
out += [" " * indent + line]
return out
def _str_signature(self):
if self["Signature"]:
return [self["Signature"].replace("*", "\*")] + [""]
return [""]
def _str_summary(self):
if self["Summary"]:
return self["Summary"] + [""]
return []
def _str_extended_summary(self):
if self["Extended Summary"]:
return self["Extended Summary"] + [""]
return []
def _str_param_list(self, name):
out = []
if self[name]:
out += self._str_header(name)
for param, param_type, desc in self[name]:
if param_type:
out += ["%s : %s" % (param, param_type)]
out += [param]
out += self._str_indent(desc)
out += [""]
return out
def _str_section(self, name):
out = []
if self[name]:
out += self._str_header(name)
out += self[name]
out += [""]
return out
def _str_see_also(self, func_role):
if not self["See Also"]:
return []
out = []
out += self._str_header("See Also")
last_had_desc = True
for func, desc, role in self["See Also"]:
if role:
link = ":%s:`%s`" % (role, func)
elif func_role:
link = ":%s:`%s`" % (func_role, func)
link = "`%s`_" % func
if desc or last_had_desc:
out += [""]
out += [link]
out[-1] += ", %s" % link
if desc:
out += self._str_indent([" ".join(desc)])
last_had_desc = True
last_had_desc = False
out += [""]
return out
def _str_index(self):
idx = self["index"]
out = []
out += [".. index:: %s" % idx.get("default", "")]
for section, references in idx.items():
if section == "default":
out += [" :%s: %s" % (section, ", ".join(references))]
return out
def __str__(self, func_role=""):
out = []
out += self._str_signature()
out += self._str_summary()
out += self._str_extended_summary()
for param_list in (
"Other Parameters",
out += self._str_param_list(param_list)
out += self._str_section("Warnings")
out += self._str_see_also(func_role)
for s in ("Notes", "References", "Examples"):
out += self._str_section(s)
for param_list in ("Attributes", "Methods"):
out += self._str_param_list(param_list)
out += self._str_index()
return "\n".join(out)
def indent(str, indent=4):
indent_str = " " * indent
if str is None:
return indent_str
lines = str.split("\n")
return "\n".join(indent_str + l for l in lines)
def dedent_lines(lines):
"""Deindent a list of lines maximally"""
return textwrap.dedent("\n".join(lines)).split("\n")
def header(text, style="-"):
return text + "\n" + style * len(text) + "\n"
class FunctionDoc(NumpyDocString):
def __init__(self, func, role="func", doc=None, config={}):
self._f = func
self._role = role # e.g. "func" or "meth"
if doc is None:
if func is None:
raise ValueError("No function or docstring given")
doc = inspect.getdoc(func) or ""
NumpyDocString.__init__(self, doc)
if not self["Signature"] and func is not None:
func, func_name = self.get_func()
# try to read signature
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(func)
argspec = inspect.getargspec(func)
argspec = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec)
argspec = argspec.replace("*", "\*")
signature = "%s%s" % (func_name, argspec)
except TypeError as e:
signature = "%s()" % func_name
self["Signature"] = signature
def get_func(self):
func_name = getattr(self._f, "__name__", self.__class__.__name__)
if inspect.isclass(self._f):
func = getattr(self._f, "__call__", self._f.__init__)
func = self._f
return func, func_name
def __str__(self):
out = ""
func, func_name = self.get_func()
signature = self["Signature"].replace("*", "\*")
roles = {"func": "function", "meth": "method"}
if self._role:
if self._role not in roles:
print("Warning: invalid role %s" % self._role)
out += ".. %s:: %s\n \n\n" % (roles.get(self._role, ""), func_name)
out += super(FunctionDoc, self).__str__(func_role=self._role)
return out
class ClassDoc(NumpyDocString):
extra_public_methods = ["__call__"]
def __init__(self, cls, doc=None, modulename="", func_doc=FunctionDoc, config={}):
if not inspect.isclass(cls) and cls is not None:
raise ValueError("Expected a class or None, but got %r" % cls)
self._cls = cls
if modulename and not modulename.endswith("."):
modulename += "."
self._mod = modulename
if doc is None:
if cls is None:
raise ValueError("No class or documentation string given")
doc = pydoc.getdoc(cls)
NumpyDocString.__init__(self, doc)
if config.get("show_class_members", True):
def splitlines_x(s):
if not s:
return []
return s.splitlines()
for field, items in [
("Methods", self.methods),
if not self[field]:
doc_list = []
for name in sorted(items):
doc_item = pydoc.getdoc(getattr(self._cls, name))
doc_list.append((name, "", splitlines_x(doc_item)))
except AttributeError:
pass # method doesn't exist
self[field] = doc_list
def methods(self):
if self._cls is None:
return []
return [
for name, func in inspect.getmembers(self._cls)
if (
(not name.startswith("_") or name in self.extra_public_methods)
and isinstance(func, collections.Callable)
def properties(self):
if self._cls is None:
return []
return [
for name, func in inspect.getmembers(self._cls)
if not name.startswith("_")
and (
func is None
or isinstance(func, property)
or inspect.isgetsetdescriptor(func)