model of DCN pyramidal neuron
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from __future__ import print_function
from neuron import h
from collections import OrderedDict
from .cell import Cell
from .. import synapses
from ..util import nstomho
from ..util import Params
import numpy as np
from .. import data
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, width=60)
__all__ = ["Bushy", "BushyRothman"]
class Bushy(Cell):
type = "bushy"
def create(cls, model="RM03", **kwds):
if model == "RM03":
return BushyRothman(**kwds)
raise ValueError("Bushy model %s is unknown", model)
def make_psd(self, terminal, psd_type, **kwds):
Connect a presynaptic terminal to one post section at the specified location, with the fraction
of the "standard" conductance determined by gbar.
The default condition is designed to pass the unit test (loc=0.5)
terminal : Presynaptic terminal (NEURON object)
psd_type : either simple or multisite PSD for bushy cell
kwds: dictionary of options.
Two are currently handled:
postsite : expect a list consisting of [sectionno, location (float)]
AMPAScale : float to scale the ampa currents
if (
"postsite" in kwds
): # use a defined location instead of the default (soma(0.5)
postsite = kwds["postsite"]
loc = postsite[1] # where on the section?
uname = (
"sections[%d]" % postsite[0]
) # make a name to look up the neuron section object
post_sec = # Tell us where to put the synapse.
loc = 0.5
post_sec = self.soma
if psd_type == "simple":
if terminal.cell.type in ["sgc", "dstellate", "tuberculoventral"]:
weight = data.get(
"%s_synapse" % terminal.cell.type,
tau1 = data.get(
"%s_synapse" % terminal.cell.type,
tau2 = data.get(
"%s_synapse" % terminal.cell.type,
erev = data.get(
"%s_synapse" % terminal.cell.type,
return self.make_exp2_psd(
raise TypeError(
"Cannot make simple PSD for %s => %s"
% (terminal.cell.type, self.type)
elif psd_type == "multisite":
if terminal.cell.type == "sgc":
# Max conductances for the glu mechanisms are calibrated by
# running `synapses/tests/`. The test should fail
# if these values are incorrect
self.AMPAR_gmax = (
* 1e3
self.NMDAR_gmax = (
* 1e3
self.Pr = data.get(
"sgc_synapse", species=self.species, post_type=self.type, field="Pr"
self.NMDAR_vshift = data.get(
# adjust gmax to correct for initial Pr
self.AMPAR_gmax = self.AMPAR_gmax / self.Pr
self.NMDAR_gmax = self.NMDAR_gmax / self.Pr
# original values (now in
# self.AMPA_gmax = 3.314707700918133*1e3 # factor of 1e3 scales to pS (.mod mechanisms) from nS.
# self.NMDA_gmax = 0.4531929783503451*1e3
if "AMPAScale" in kwds: # normally, this should not be done!
self.AMPAR_gmax = (
self.AMPAR_gmax * kwds["AMPAScale"]
) # allow scaling of AMPA conductances
if "NMDAScale" in kwds:
self.NMDAR_gmax = self.NMDAR_gmax * kwds["NMDAScale"] # and NMDA...
return self.make_glu_psd(
elif terminal.cell.type == "dstellate":
return self.make_gly_psd(post_sec, terminal, psdtype="glyslow", loc=loc)
elif terminal.cell.type == "tuberculoventral":
return self.make_gly_psd(post_sec, terminal, psdtype="glyslow", loc=loc)
raise TypeError(
"Cannot make PSD for %s => %s" % (terminal.cell.type, self.type)
raise ValueError("Unsupported psd type %s" % psd_type)
def make_terminal(self, post_cell, term_type, **kwds):
if term_type == "simple":
return synapses.SimpleTerminal(self.soma, post_cell, **kwds)
elif term_type == "multisite":
if post_cell.type in ["mso"]:
nzones = data.get(
delay = data.get(
raise NotImplementedError(
"No knowledge as to how to connect Bushy cell to cell type %s"
% type(post_cell)
pre_sec = self.soma
return synapses.StochasticTerminal(
raise ValueError("Unsupported terminal type %s" % term_type)
class BushyRothman(Bushy):
VCN bushy cell models.
Rothman and Manis, 2003abc (Type II, Type II-I)
Xie and Manis, 2013
def __init__(
Create a bushy cell, using the default parameters for guinea pig from
R&M2003, as a type II cell.
Additional modifications to the cell can be made by calling methods below.
morphology : string (default: None)
Name of a .hoc file representing the morphology. This file is used to constructe
an electrotonic (cable) model.
If None (default), then a "point" (really, single cylinder) model is made, exactly according to RM03.
decorator : Python function (default: None)
decorator is a function that "decorates" the morphology with ion channels according
to a set of rules.
If None, a default set of channels is inserted into the first soma section, and the
rest of the structure is "bare".
nach : string (default: None)
nach selects the type of sodium channel that will be used in the model. A channel mechanism
by that name must exist. The default channel is set to 'nacn' (R&M03)
temperature : float (default: 22)
temperature to run the cell at.
ttx : Boolean (default: False)
If ttx is True, then the sodium channel conductance is set to 0 everywhere in the cell.
This flag duplicates the effects of tetrodotoxin in the model. Currently, the flag is not implemented.
species: string (default 'guineapig')
species defines the pattern of ion channel densities that will be inserted, according to
prior measurements in various species. Note that
if a decorator function is specified, this argument is ignored as the decorator will
specify the channel density.
modelName: string (default: None)
modelName specifies the source conductance pattern (RM03, XM13, etc).
modelName is passed to the decorator, or to species_scaling to adjust point (single cylinder) models.
modelType: string (default: None)
modelType specifies the subtype of the cell model that will be used (e.g., "II", "II-I", etc).
modelType is passed to the decorator, or to species_scaling to adjust point (single cylinder) models.
debug: boolean (default: False)
When True, there will be multiple printouts of progress and parameters.
super(BushyRothman, self).__init__()
self.i_test_range = {
"pulse": (-1, 1, 0.05)
} # note that this might get reset with decorator according to channels
# Changing the default values will cause the unit tests to fail!
if modelType == None:
modelType = "II"
if species == "guineapig":
modelName = "RM03"
temp = 22.0
if nach == None:
nach = "na"
if species == "mouse":
temp = 34.0
if modelName is None:
modelName = "XM13"
if nach is None:
nach = "na"
self.debug = debug
self.status = {
"species": species,
"cellClass": self.type,
"modelType": modelType,
"modelName": modelName,
"soma": True,
"axon": False,
"dendrites": False,
"pumps": False,
"hillock": False,
"initialsegment": False,
"myelinatedaxon": False,
"unmyelinatedaxon": False,
"na": nach,
"ttx": ttx,
"name": self.type,
"morphology": morphology,
"decorator": decorator,
"temperature": temperature,
self.spike_threshold = -40
self.vrange = [-70.0, -55.0] # set a default vrange for searching for rmp
if self.debug:
"model type, model name, species: ", modelType, modelName, species, nach
self.c_m = 0.9e-6 # default in units of F/cm^2
self._valid_temperatures = (temp,)
if self.status["temperature"] == None:
self.status["temperature"] = temp
if morphology is None:
instantiate a basic soma-only ("point") model
if self.debug:
print("<< Bushy model: Creating point cell >>")
soma = h.Section(
name="Bushy_Soma_%x" % id(self)
) # one compartment of about 29000 um2
soma.nseg = 1
self.add_section(soma, "soma")
instantiate a structured model with the morphology as specified by
the morphology file
if self.debug:
"<< Bushy model: Creating cell with morphology from %s >>"
% morphology
# decorate the morphology with ion channels
if decorator is None: # basic model, only on the soma, does not use tables.
self.mechanisms = ["klt", "kht", "ihvcn", "leak", nach]
for mech in self.mechanisms:
self.soma.ena = self.e_na
self.soma.ek = self.e_k
self.soma() = self.e_h
self.soma().leak.erev = self.e_leak
self.c_m = 0.9
silent=True, species=species, modelType=modelType
) # set the default type II cell parameters
else: # decorate according to a defined set of rules on all cell compartments, with tables.
self.save_all_mechs() # save all mechanisms inserted, location and gbar values...
if debug:
print(" << Created cell >>")
def get_cellpars(self, dataset, species="guineapig", modelType="II"):
Read data for ion channels and cell parameters from the tables
# cell_type = self.map_celltype(cell_type)
# print('getcellpars: dataset, species, mmodeltype: ', dataset, species, modelType)
# print('model name: ', self.status['modelName'])
cellcap = data.get(
dataset, species=species, model_type=modelType, field="soma_Cap"
chtype = data.get(
dataset, species=species, model_type=modelType, field="na_type"
pars = Params(cap=cellcap, natype=chtype)
# print('pars cell/chtype: ')
if self.debug:
if self.status["modelName"] == "RM03":
for g in [
"%s_gbar" % pars.natype,
g, data.get(dataset, species=species, model_type=modelType, field=g)
if self.status["modelName"] == "XM13":
for g in [
"%s_gbar" % pars.natype,
g, data.get(dataset, species=species, model_type=modelType, field=g)
if self.status["modelName"] == "mGBC":
for g in [
"%s_gbar" % pars.natype,
g, data.get(dataset, species=species, model_type=modelType, field=g)
return pars
def species_scaling(self, species="guineapig", modelType="II", silent=True):
This is called for POINT CELLS ONLY
Adjust all of the conductances and the cell size according to the species requested.
This scaling should be used ONLY for point models, as no other compartments
are scaled.
This scaling routine also sets the temperature for the model to a default value. Some models
can be run at multiple temperatures, and so a default from one of the temperatures is used.
The calling cell.set_temperature(newtemp) will change the conductances and reinitialize
the cell to the new temperature settings.
species : string (default: 'guineapig')
name of the species to use for scaling the conductances in the base point model
Must be one of mouse, cat, guineapig
modelType: string (default: 'II')
definition of model type from RM03 models, type II or type II-I
silent : boolean (default: True)
run silently (True) or verbosely (False)
# print '\nSpecies scaling: %s %s' % (species, type)
knownspecies = ["mouse", "guineapig", "cat"]
soma = self.soma
# cellType = self.map_celltype(modelType)
if species == "mouse":
# use conductance levels determined from Cao et al., J. Neurophys., 2007. as
# model description in Xie and Manis 2013. Note that
# conductances were not scaled for temperature (rates were)
# so here we reset the default Q10's for conductance (g) to 1.0
if modelType not in ["II", "II-I"]:
raise ValueError(
"\nModel type %s is not implemented for mouse bushy cells"
% modelType
if self.debug:
" Setting conductances for mouse bushy cell (%s), Xie and Manis, 2013"
% modelType
if modelname == "XM13":
dataset = "XM13_channels"
elif modelname == "XM13nacncoop":
dataset = "XM13_channels_nacncoop"
elif modelname.startswith("mGBC"):
dataset = "mGBC_channels"
raise ValueError(
f"ModelName {modelname:s} not recognized for mouse bushy cells"
self.vrange = [-68.0, -55.0] # set a default vrange for searching for rmp
self.i_test_range = {"pulse": (-1.0, 1.0, 0.05)}
self._valid_temperatures = (34.0,)
if self.status["temperature"] is None:
self.status["temperature"] = 34.0
pars = self.get_cellpars(dataset, species=species, modelType=modelType)
self.status["na"] = pars.natype
self.adjust_na_chans(soma, sf=1.0)
soma().kht.gbar = nstomho(pars.kht_gbar, self.somaarea)
soma().klt.gbar = nstomho(pars.klt_gbar, self.somaarea)
soma().ihvcn.gbar = nstomho(pars.ihvcn_gbar, self.somaarea)
soma().leak.gbar = nstomho(pars.leak_gbar, self.somaarea)
self.axonsf = 0.57
elif species == "guineapig":
if self.debug:
" Setting conductances for guinea pig %s bushy cell, Rothman and Manis, 2003"
% modelType
self._valid_temperatures = (22.0, 38.0)
if self.status["temperature"] is None:
self.status["temperature"] = 22.0
self.i_test_range = {"pulse": (-0.4, 0.4, 0.02)}
sf = 1.0
if (
self.status["temperature"] == 38.0
): # adjust for 2003 model conductance levels at 38
sf = 2 # Q10 of 2, 22->38C. (p3106, R&M2003c)
# note that kinetics are scaled in the mod file.
dataset = "RM03_channels"
pars = self.get_cellpars(dataset, species=species, modelType=modelType)
self.status["na"] = pars.natype
self.adjust_na_chans(soma, sf=sf)
soma().kht.gbar = nstomho(pars.kht_gbar, self.somaarea)
soma().klt.gbar = nstomho(pars.klt_gbar, self.somaarea)
soma().ihvcn.gbar = nstomho(pars.ih_gbar, self.somaarea)
soma().leak.gbar = nstomho(pars.leak_gbar, self.somaarea)
self.axonsf = 0.57
errmsg = (
'Species "%s" or model type "%s" is not recognized for Bushy cells.'
% (species, modelType)
errmsg += "\n Valid species are: \n"
for s in knownspecies:
errmsg += " %s\n" % s
errmsg += "-" * 40
raise ValueError(errmsg)
self.status["species"] = species
self.status["modelType"] = modelType
# self.cell_initialize(vrange=self.vrange) # no need to do this just yet.
if not silent:
print(" set cell as: ", species)
print(" with Vm rest = %6.3f" % self.vm0)
# def channel_manager(self, modelType='RM03', cell_type='bushy-II'):
# """
# This routine defines channel density maps and distance map patterns
# for each type of compartment in the cell. The maps
# are used by the ChannelDecorator class (specifically, its private
# \_biophys function) to decorate the cell membrane.
# These settings are only used if the decorator is called; otherwise
# for point cells, the species_scaling routine defines the channel
# densities.
# Parameters
# ----------
# modelType : string (default: 'RM03')
# A string that defines the type of the model. Currently, 3 types are implemented:
# RM03: Rothman and Manis, 2003 somatic densities for guinea pig
# XM13: Xie and Manis, 2013, somatic densities for mouse
# mGBC: experimental mouse globular bushy cell with dendrites, axon, hillock and initial segment, for
# use with fully reconstructed neurons.
# Returns
# -------
# Nothing
# Notes
# -----
# This routine defines the following variables for the class:
# * conductances (gBar)
# * a channelMap (dictonary of channel densities in defined anatomical compartments)
# * a current injection range for IV's (used for testing)
# * a distance map, which defines how each conductance in a selected compartment
# changes with distance from the soma. The current implementation includes both
# linear and exponential gradients,
# the minimum conductance at the end of the gradient, and the space constant or
# slope for the gradient.
# """
# dataset = '%s_channels' % modelType
# decorationmap = dataset + '_compartments'
# # print('dataset: {0:s} decorationmap: {1:s}'.format(dataset, decorationmap))
# cellpars = self.get_cellpars(dataset, species=self.status['species'], celltype=cell_type)
# refarea = 1e-3*cellpars.cap / self.c_m
# table = data.get_table_info(dataset)
# chscale = data.get_table_info(decorationmap)
# pars = {}
# # retrive the conductances from the data set
# for g in table['field']:
# x = data.get(dataset, species=self.status['species'], cell_type=cell_type,
# field=g)
# if not isinstance(x, float):
# continue
# if '_gbar' in g:
# pars[g] = x/refarea
# else:
# pars[g] = x
# self.channelMap = OrderedDict()
# for c in chscale['compartment']:
# self.channelMap[c] = {}
# for g in pars.keys():
# if g not in chscale['parameter']:
# # print ('Parameter %s not found in chscale parameters!' % g)
# continue
# scale = data.get(decorationmap, species=self.status['species'], cell_type=cell_type,
# compartment=c, parameter=g)
# if '_gbar' in g:
# self.channelMap[c][g] = pars[g]*scale
# else:
# self.channelMap[c][g] = pars[g]
# self.irange = np.linspace(-0.6, 1, 9)
def get_distancemap(self):
return {
"dend": {
"klt": {"gradient": "exp", "gminf": 0.0, "lambda": 50.0},
"kht": {"gradient": "exp", "gminf": 0.0, "lambda": 50.0},
"nav11": {"gradient": "exp", "gminf": 0.0, "lambda": 50.0},
}, # linear with distance, gminf (factor) is multiplied by gbar
"dendrite": {
"klt": {"gradient": "linear", "gminf": 0.0, "lambda": 100.0},
"kht": {"gradient": "linear", "gminf": 0.0, "lambda": 100.0},
"nav11": {"gradient": "linear", "gminf": 0.0, "lambda": 100.0},
}, # linear with distance, gminf (factor) is multiplied by gbar
"apic": {
"klt": {"gradient": "linear", "gminf": 0.0, "lambda": 100.0},
"kht": {"gradient": "linear", "gminf": 0.0, "lambda": 100.0},
"nav11": {"gradient": "exp", "gminf": 0.0, "lambda": 200.0},
}, # gradients are: flat, linear, exponential
# self.check_temperature()
# return
# if modelType == 'RM03':
# #
# # Create a model based on the Rothman and Manis 2003 conductance set from guinea pig
# #
# self.c_m = 0.9E-6 # default in units of F/cm^2
# self._valid_temperatures = (22., 38.)
# sf = 1.0
# if self.status['temperature'] == None:
# self.status['temperature'] = 22.
# if self.status['temperature'] == 38:
# sf = 3.03
# dataset = 'RM03_channels'
# pars = self.get_cellpars(dataset, species=self.status['species'], celltype='bushy-II')
# refarea = 1e-3*pars.cap / self.c_m
# self.gBar = Params(nabar=sf*pars.soma_na_gbar/refarea, # 1000.0E-9/refarea,
# khtbar=sf*pars.soma_kht_gbar/refarea,
# kltbar=sf*pars.soma_klt_gbar/refarea,
# ihbar=sf*pars.soma_ih_gbar/refarea,
# leakbar=sf*pars.soma_leak_gbar/refarea,
# )
# print 'RM03 gbar:\n',
# self.channelMap = {
# 'axon': {'nacn': self.gBar.nabar, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar, 'ihvcn': 0.,
# 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar / 2.},
# 'hillock': {'nacn': self.gBar.nabar, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar, 'ihvcn': 0.,
# 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar, },
# 'initseg': {'nacn': self.gBar.nabar, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar,
# 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar / 2., 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar, },
# 'soma': {'nacn': self.gBar.nabar, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar,
# 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar, 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar, },
# 'dend': {'nacn': self.gBar.nabar, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar * 0.5, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar * 0.5,
# 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar / 3., 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.5, },
# 'apic': {'nacn': self.gBar.nabar, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar * 0.2, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar * 0.2,
# 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar / 4., 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.2, },
# }
# # self.irange = np.linspace(-1., 1., 21)
# self.distMap = {'dend': {'klt': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# 'kht': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# 'nacn': {'gradient': 'exp', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.}}, # linear with distance, gminf (factor) is multiplied by gbar
# 'apic': {'klt': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# 'kht': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# 'nacn': {'gradient': 'exp', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.}}, # gradients are: flat, linear, exponential
# }
# elif modelType == 'XM13':
# #
# # Create a model for a mouse bushy cell from Xie and Manis, 2013
# # based on Cao and Oertel mouse conductance values
# # and Rothman and Manis kinetics.
# self.c_m = 0.9E-6 # default in units of F/cm^2
# self._valid_temperatures = (34., )
# if self.status['temperature'] == None:
# self.status['temperature'] = 34.
# dataset = 'XM13_channels'
# pars = self.get_cellpars(dataset, species=self.status['species'], celltype='bushy-II')
# refarea = 1e-3*pars.cap / self.c_m
# # self.gBar = Params(nabar=pars.soma_nav11_gbar/refarea, # 1000.0E-9/refarea,
# # khtbar=pars.soma_kht_gbar/refarea,
# # kltbar=pars.soma_klt_gbar/refarea,
# # ihbar=pars.soma_ihvcn_gbar/refarea,
# # leakbar=pars.soma_leak_gbar/refarea,
# # )
# # print 'XM13 gbar:\n',
# # # create channel map:
# decorationmap = 'XM13_channels_bycompartment'
# table = data.get_table_info(dataset)
# pars = {}
# for g in table['field']:
# x = data.get(dataset, species=self.status['species'], cell_type='bushy-II',
# field=g)
# if not isinstance(x, float):
# continue
# pars[g] = (1./refarea)*data.get(dataset, species=self.status['species'], cell_type='bushy-II',
# field=g)
# chscale = data.get_table_info(decorationmap)
# self.channelMap1 = OrderedDict()
# # print chscale['parameter']
# for c in chscale['compartment']:
# self.channelMap1[c] = {}
# for g in pars.keys():
# # print g
# if g[5:] not in chscale['parameter']:
# continue
# scale = data.get(decorationmap, species=self.status['species'], cell_type='bushy-II',
# compartment=c, parameter=g[5:])
# self.channelMap1[c][g] = pars[g]*scale
# #
# # self.channelMap = {
# # 'unmyelinatedaxon': {'nav11': self.gBar.nabar*1, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar * 1.0, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar, 'ihvcn': 0.,
# # 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.25},
# # 'hillock': {'nav11': self.gBar.nabar*2, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar*2.0, 'ihvcn': 0.,
# # 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar, },
# # 'initialsegment': {'nav11': self.gBar.nabar*3.0, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar*1, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar*2,
# # 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar * 0.5, 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar, },
# # 'soma': {'nav11': self.gBar.nabar*1.0, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar,
# # 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar, 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar, },
# # 'dend': {'nav11': self.gBar.nabar * 0.25, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar *0.5, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar *0.5,
# # 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar *0.5, 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.5, },
# # 'primarydendrite': {'nav11': self.gBar.nabar * 0.25, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar *0.5, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar *0.5,
# # 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar *0.5, 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.5, },
# # 'apic': {'nav11': self.gBar.nabar * 0.25, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar * 0.25, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar * 0.25,
# # 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar *0.25, 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.25, },
# # }
# import pprint
# # print 'original map:\n'
# # for k in self.channelMap.keys():
# # print('Region: %s' % k)
# # if k in self.channelMap1.keys():
# # print 'overlapping Region: %s' % k
# # for ch in self.channelMap[k].keys():
# # # print ch
# # # print self.channelMap1[k].keys()
# # # print self.channelMap[k].keys()
# # if 'soma_' + ch + '_gbar' in self.channelMap1[k].keys():
# # cx = u'soma_' + ch + u'_gbar'
# # # print ch, cx
# # print( ' {0:>4s} = {1:e} {2:e} {3:<5s}'.format(ch, self.channelMap[k][ch], self.channelMap1[k][cx],
# # str(np.isclose(self.channelMap[k][ch], self.channelMap1[k][cx]))))
# # print 'original: ', self.channelMap['soma']
# self.channelMap = self.channelMap1 # use the data table
# # except need to remove soma_ from keys
# for k in self.channelMap.keys():
# for n in self.channelMap[k].keys():
# new_key = n.replace('_gbar', '')
# # new_key = n
# new_key = new_key.replace('soma_', '')
# # strip 'soma_' from key
# #print 'newkey: ', new_key, n
# self.channelMap[k][new_key] = self.channelMap[k].pop(n)
# print 'final map: ', self.channelMap['soma']
# self.irange = np.linspace(-0.6, 1, 9)
# self.distMap = {'dend': {'klt': {'gradient': 'exp', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 50.},
# 'kht': {'gradient': 'exp', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 50.},
# 'nav11': {'gradient': 'exp', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 50.}}, # linear with distance, gminf (factor) is multiplied by gbar
# 'dendrite': {'klt': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# 'kht': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# 'nav11': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.}}, # linear with distance, gminf (factor) is multiplied by gbar
# 'apic': {'klt': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# 'kht': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# 'nav11': {'gradient': 'exp', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 200.}}, # gradients are: flat, linear, exponential
# }
# elif modelType == 'mGBC':
# # bushy from Xie and Manis, 2013, based on Cao and Oertel mouse conductances,
# # BUT modified ad hoc for SBEM reconstructions.
# dataset = 'mGBC_channels'
# self._valid_temperatures = (34.,)
# if self.status['temperature'] == None:
# self.status['temperature'] = 34.
# pars = self.get_cellpars(dataset, species=self.status['species'], celltype='bushy-II')
# refarea = 1e-3*pars.cap / self.c_m
# print (pars.cap, pars.soma_kht_gbar, refarea) # refarea should be about 30e-6
# self.gBar = Params(nabar=pars.soma_na_gbar/refarea, # 1000.0E-9/refarea,
# khtbar=pars.soma_kht_gbar/refarea,
# kltbar=pars.soma_klt_gbar/refarea,
# ihbar=pars.soma_ih_gbar/refarea,
# leakbar=pars.soma_leak_gbar/refarea,
# )
# print 'mGBC gbar:\n',
# sodiumch = 'jsrna'
# self.channelMap = {
# 'axon': {sodiumch: self.gBar.nabar*1., 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar * 1.0, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar, 'ihvcn': 0.,
# 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.25},
# 'unmyelinatedaxon': {sodiumch: self.gBar.nabar*3.0, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar * 2.0,
# 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar*3.0, 'ihvcn': 0.,
# 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.25},
# 'myelinatedaxon': {sodiumch: self.gBar.nabar*0, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar * 1e-2,
# 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar*1e-2, 'ihvcn': 0.,
# 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.25*1e-3},
# 'hillock': {sodiumch: self.gBar.nabar*4.0, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar*1.0, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar*3.0,
# 'ihvcn': 0., 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar, },
# 'initseg': {sodiumch: self.gBar.nabar*3.0, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar*2, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar*2,
# 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar * 0.5, 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar, },
# 'soma': {sodiumch: self.gBar.nabar*0.65, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar*1.5,
# 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar, 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar, },
# 'dend': {sodiumch: self.gBar.nabar * 0.2, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar *1, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar *1,
# 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar *0.5, 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.5, },
# 'dendrite': {sodiumch: self.gBar.nabar * 0.2, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar *1, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar *1,
# 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar *0.5, 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.5, },
# 'apic': {sodiumch: self.gBar.nabar * 0.25, 'klt': self.gBar.kltbar * 0.25, 'kht': self.gBar.khtbar * 0.25,
# 'ihvcn': self.gBar.ihbar *0.25, 'leak': self.gBar.leakbar * 0.25, },
# }
# self.irange = np.arange(-1.5, 2.1, 0.25 )
# self.distMap = {'dend': {'klt': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# 'kht': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# sodiumch: {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.}}, # linear with distance, gminf (factor) is multiplied by gbar
# 'dendrite': {'klt': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 20.},
# 'kht': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 20.},
# sodiumch: {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 20.}}, # linear with distance, gminf (factor) is multiplied by gbar
# 'apic': {'klt': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# 'kht': {'gradient': 'linear', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 100.},
# sodiumch: {'gradient': 'exp', 'gminf': 0., 'lambda': 200.}}, # gradients are: flat, linear, exponential
# }
# else:
# raise ValueError('model type %s is not implemented' % modelType)
# self.check_temperature()
def adjust_na_chans(self, soma, sf=1.0, gbar=1000.0):
adjust the sodium channel conductance
soma : neuron section object
A soma object whose sodium channel complement will have its
conductances adjusted depending on the channel type
gbar : float (default: 1000.)
The maximal conductance for the sodium channel
Nothing :
if self.status["ttx"]:
gnabar = 0.0
gnabar = nstomho(gbar, self.somaarea) * sf
nach = self.status["na"]
if nach == "jsrna":
soma().jsrna.gbar = gnabar
soma.ena = self.e_na
if self.debug:
print("jsrna gbar: ", soma().jsrna.gbar)
elif nach == "nav11":
soma().nav11.gbar = gnabar
soma.ena = 50 # self.e_na
# print('gnabar: ', soma().nav11.gbar, ' vs: 0.0192307692308')
soma().nav11.vsna = 4.3
if self.debug:
print("bushy using inva11")
if nach == "nacncoop":
soma().nacncoop.gbar = gnabar
soma().nacncoop.KJ = 2000.0
soma().nacncoop.p = 0.25
somae().nacncoop.vsna = 0.0
soma.ena = self.e_na
if debug:
print("nacncoop gbar: ", soma().nacncoop.gbar)
elif nach in ["na", "nacn"]:
soma().na.gbar = gnabar
soma.ena = self.e_na
# soma().na.vsna = 0.
if self.debug:
print("na gbar: ", soma().na.gbar)
raise ValueError(
"Sodium channel %s is not recognized for Bushy cells", nach
def add_axon(self):
Add a default axon from the generic cell class to the bushy cell (see cell class).
Cell.add_axon(self, self.c_m, self.R_a, self.axonsf)
def add_pumps(self):
Insert mechanisms for potassium ion management, sodium ion management, and a
sodium-potassium pump at the soma.
soma = self.soma
ki0_k_ion = 140
soma().ki = ki0_k_ion
soma().ki0_k_conc = ki0_k_ion
soma().beta_k_conc = 0.075
nai0_na_ion = 5
soma().nai = nai0_na_ion
soma().nai0_na_conc = nai0_na_ion
soma().beta_na_conc = 0.075
soma().nakpump.inakmax = 8
soma().nao = 145
soma().ko = 5
soma().nakpump.Nai_inf = 5
soma().nakpump.Ki_inf = 140
soma().nakpump.ATPi = 5
self.status["pumps"] = True
def add_dendrites(self):
Add a simple dendrite to the bushy cell.
if self.debug:
print("Adding dendrite to Bushy model")
section = h.Section
primarydendrite = section(cell=self.soma)
primarydendrite.nseg = 10
primarydendrite.L = 100.0
primarydendrite.diam = 2.5
primarydendrite().klt.gbar = self.soma().klt.gbar / 2.0
primarydendrite().ihvcn.gbar = self.soma().ihvcn.gbar / 2.0 = self.c_m
primarydendrite.Ra = self.R_a
nsecd = range(0, 5)
secondarydendrite = []
for ibd in nsecd:
for ibd in nsecd:
secondarydendrite[ibd].diam = 1.0
secondarydendrite[ibd].L = 15.0
secondarydendrite[ibd].cm = self.c_m
secondarydendrite[ibd].Ra = self.R_a
self.primarydendrite = primarydendrite
self.secondarydendrite = secondarydendrite
self.status["dendrite"] = True
if self.debug:
print("Bushy: added dendrites")
self.add_section(maindend, "primarydendrite")
self.add_section(secdend, "secondarydendrite")