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3 years ago
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from ._db import add_table_data
# sgc old weights:
# bushy tstellate dstellate octopus pyramidal tuberculoventral
# weight 0.027 [12] 0.006 [12] 0.00064 [12] 0.0011 [12] 0.0023 [12] 0.0029 [12]
# tau1 0.1 [5] 0.1 [5] 0.2 [5] 0.1 [5] 0.1 [5] 0.1 [5]
# tau2 0.3 [5] 0.3 [5] 0.5 [5] 0.3 [5] 0.3 [5] 0.3 [5]
# erev 0 [5] 0 [5] 0 [5] 0 [5] 0 [5] 0 [5]
AMPA_gmax and NMDA_gmax are the estimated average peak conductances (in nS)
resulting from an action potential in a single auditory nerve terminal, under
conditions that minimize the effects of short-term plasticity.
AMPA_gmax are from values measured at -65 mV (or -70mV), and represent SINGLE TERMINAL
AMPAR_gmax are the individual synapse postsynaptic conductance
NMDA_gmax values are taken as the fraction of the current that is NMDAR dependent
at +40 mV (see below)
n_rsites is the number of release sites per SGC terminal.
bushy tstellate dstellate octopus pyramidal tuberculoventral cartwheel
AMPA_gmax 21.05±15.4 [1] 4.6±3.1 [2] 0.49±0.29 [7] 0.87±0.23 [3] 0.6±0.3 [8] 2.2±1.5 [8] 0
AMPAR_gmax 4.6516398 [10] 4.632848 [10] 1.7587450 [10] 16.975147 [10] 0.9 [8] 2.2 [8] 0
NMDA_gmax 10.8±4.6 [1] 2.4±1.6 [2] 0.552±0.322 [7] 0.17±0.046 [3] 0.4±0.33 [8] 2.4±1.6 [8] 0
NMDAR_gmax 0.4531933 [10] 1.2127097 [10] 0.9960820 [10] 0.6562702 [10] 0.2 [8] 1.2127097 [8] 0
NMDAR_vsh -15.0 [12] -15.0 [12] -15.0 [12] -15.0 [12] -15.0 [12] -15.0 [12] 0
NMDAR_vshift 0.0 [12] 0.0 [12] 0.0 [12] 0.0 [12] 0.0 [12] 0.0 [12] 0
EPSC_cv 0.12 [8] 0.499759 [9] 0.886406 [9] 1.393382 [9] 0.499 [8] 0.499 [8] 0
Pr 1.000 [11] 1.000 [11] 1.000 [11] 1.000 [11] 1.000 [8] 1.000 [8] 0
n_rsites 100 [5] 4 [6] 1 [4] 1 [4] 2 [8] 2 [8] 0
delay 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0
weight 0.020377 0.003679 0.000457 0.001311 0.000327 0.000808 0
tau1 0.158 0.174 0.152 0.125 0.167 0.157 0
tau2 0.246 1.501 1.652 0.251 1.489 1.641 0
erev 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
[1] Derived from Cao, X. & Oertel, D. (2010). Single-terminal conductance was
reported as 21.5±15.4 nS (1.4±1.0 nA at -65 mV). The ratio of NMDA current to
total current is 0.3, so AMPA and NMDA currents are:
AMPA_gmax = 21.5±15.4 nS (measured at -65 mV)
NMDA_gmax = 21.5±15.4 nS * 0.3 = 10.8±4.6 nS
Age>p17, Temperature=33C, [Mg2+]=1.3mM, [Ca2+]=2.4mM
Units are nS.
See also Pliss et al., J. Neurophys., 2009 (and note [12])
[2] Derived from Cao, X. & Oertel, D. (2010). Single-terminal conductance was
estimated as 4.6±3.1 nS. The ratio of NMDA current to
total current is 0.53, so AMPA and NMDA currents are:
AMPA_gmax = 4.6±3.1 nS
NMDA_gmax = 4.6±3.1 nS * 0.53 = 2.4±1.6 nS
Estimated number of inputs per AN fiber:
0.3 nA step, 0.08 nA mini size = ~ 4 inputs per AN fiber
Age>p17, Temperature=33C, [Mg2+]=1.3mM, [Ca2+]=2.4mM
Units are nS
[3] Derived from Cao, X. & Oertel, D. (2010). Single-terminal conductance was
estimated as 52±14 nS / 60 = 0.87±0.23 nS. The ratio of NMDA current to
total current is 0.2, so AMPA and NMDA currents are:
AMPA_gmax = 0.87±0.23 nS
NMDA_gmax = 0.87±0.23 nS * 0.2 = 0.17±0.046 nS
Age>p17, Temperature=33C, [Mg2+]=1.3mM, [Ca2+]=2.4mM
Units are nS
[4] Assumption based on mini size and lack of discernable EPSC step (guess).
Should be verified.
[5] Oleskevich & Walmsley ~2002, Wang & Manis 2005. Units are nS
[6] A value of 45 would be chosen to satisfy the CV of EPSC amplitude determined in [9].
However, those measures are for simultaneous stimulation of multiple AN fibers.
A value of 4 is included here to correspond to measures in Cao and Oertel (2010)
(see note [2])
[7] (Xie and Manis, Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 2017):
Measurements from CBA/CaJ mouse "radiate" multipolar cells in the AVCN.
Single terminal conductance = (1.2 ± 0.70 nA/70 mV)/ 35 inputs = 0.490 ± 0.286 nS
Single terminal conductance from mini = 34 pA/70 mV = 0.486 nS (single mini)
Assume same AMPA/NMDA ratio as tstellate cells, but measures made where NMDA = 0
(at negative V):
AMPA_gmax = 0.490±0.286 nS
NMDA_gmax = 0.490±0.286 nS * 0.53/0.47 = 0.552±0.322 nS
Age > P35, Temperature=34C, [Mg2+]=1.5mM, [Ca2+]=2.5mM
[8] Thin air. These are for testing the software, not necessarily for performing
real simulations. Note: Pyramidal cell strength has been reduced
because of large convergence and high input resistance of the reference cell model.
Release 1 (Nov 2017):
0.6 ±1.05 [8]
1.8 [8]
0.8±0.66 [8]
0.4 [8]
-15.0 [12]
0.499 [8]
1.000 [8]
2 [8]
[9] Reanalysis of evoked EPSCs in stellate cells (Manis/Xie, 2014)
[10] Maximum AMPA open conductance per synaptic site (units are pS).
These values are calculated by running python cnmodel/synapses/tests/
for a specific cell type (if the cell uses the receptor mechanisms; this is
not necessary for simple exp2syn style mechanisms)
to ensure that maximum AMPA conductance during PSG matches [1, 2 or 3]
For a bushy cell, the original default values (bushy cell) were:
AMPAR_gmax 3.314707700918133
NMDAR_gmax 0.4531929783503451
These values will also depend on the number of release sites per
synapse (the total conductance is produce of site gmax and nsites).
A note on the precision of these values: This precision is only
required for the tests of the model, as a way of ensuring numerical
equivalency after potential modifications of the code. The precision
of the value is in no way intended to specificy biological precision.
For example, a change in the rate constants in the AMPA_Trussell AMPA
receptor model could (and probably would) change the open probability,
and therefore the maximal conductance of an EPSC. However, as this is
only a representation of the EPSC, the "receptor" conductance should
be scaled so that the computed EPSC has the same maximal conductance
as prior to the kinetic modifications. Because the receptor model is
numerically computed (and not analytically tractable without
additional knowledge of the ligand time course), a numerical solution
is required.
[11] Pr is the initial release probability. The value can be computed by
setting Pr to 1 in this file, and running the cnmodel
with the appropriate presynaptic source and postsynaptic target,
once all other parameters are set. The Pr is used to rescale
the AMPAR_gmax so that the total current matches the data in
AMPA_gmax in the table (on average).
[12] NMDA_vshift is the voltage shift for the activation of the NMDAR's, relative
to 0 (standard in the NMDA_Kampa model). A negative value shifts the voltage
dependence to the right (depolarizing).
The value of the shift here (-15 mV) was chosen based on an exploration
of fitting functions against the NMDA-Kampa IV curve in an SGC-bushy cell
model, and comparing them against data. The functions were the modified
Woodhull function and a Boltzmann function, yielding values of 1.19 mM for
k0 and 0.78 for delta (tau decay at +40 mV of 16.4 ms), and Vr -3 mV, Vh
16 mV for the Boltzmann fit. These are close to the values reported in
for NMDA currents in p14-p26 CBA/CaJ mice in Pliss et al. (J. Neurophys.
102, 2627, 2009). Note: Pliss et al. agree with Cao and Oertel regarding
an approximate 10-fold difference between AMPA and NMDA conductance in
mouse bushy cells. An exact fit was not obtained, but no other parameters
of the NMDA_Kampa model were changed.
[13] weight is the weight to use in a netcon object (NEURON) for "simple"
synapses based on the exp2syn mechanism.
Parameters Weight, tau1, tau2, delay and erev from comare_simple_multisynapses
run and curve fitting (all cells)
AMPA receptor kinetic values obtained by fitting the model of Raman and
Trussell (1992) to measured EPSCs in the mouse VCN.
Ro1, Ro2, Rc1, Rc2, and PA are kinetic constants affecting the AMPA receptor
mechanism. tau_g and A affect the speed and amplitude of transmitter release
(implemented in the presynaptic release mechanism).
These parameters were selected to fit the model output to known EPSC shapes.
PA is a polyamine block parameter ued in the AMPAR mechanism (concentration in micromolar).
bushy tstellate dstellate pyramidal octopus tuberculoventral mso
Ro1 107.85 [4] 39.25 [4] 39.25 [7] 39.25 [4] 107.85 [5] 39.25 [7] 107.85 [4]
Ro2 0.6193 [4] 4.40 [4] 4.40 [7] 4.40 [4] 0.6193 [5] 4.40 [7] 0.6193 [4]
Rc1 3.678 [4] 0.667 [4] 0.667 [7] 0.667 [4] 3.678 [5] 0.667 [7] 3.678 [4]
Rc2 0.3212 [4] 0.237 [4] 0.237 [7] 0.237 [4] 0.3212 [5] 0.237 [7] 0.3212 [4]
tau_g 0.10 [4] 0.25 [4] 0.25 [7] 0.25 [4] 0.10 [5] 0.25 [4] 0.10 [4]
amp_g 0.770 [4] 1.56625 [4] 1.56625 [7] 1.56625 [4] 0.770 [5] 1.56625 [4] 0.770 [4]
PA 45 [12] 0.1 [12] 0.1 [7] 0.1 [12] 45 [5] 0.1 [7] 45 [12]
[4] Xie & Manis 2013, Table 2
[5] copied from bushy cells; no direct data.
[7] Data copied from t-stellate column (no literature on these cells). Unpublished data suggests these
should be slightly different, but is complicated by electrotonically distant synaptic sites that
preclude accurate measurement of kinetics.
[12] Wang & Manis (unpublished)
EPSC shape parameters obtained from fits of Xie & Manis 2013 Equation 3 to measured EPSCs.
bushy tstellate dstellate pyramidal octopus tuberculoventral
tau_r 0.253 [11] 0.19 [11] 0.253 [13]
tau_f 0.16 [11] 1.073 [11] 0.16 [13]
tau_s 0.765 [11] 3.3082 [11] 0.765 [13]
F 0.984 [11] 0.917 [11] 0.984 [13]
[11] Xie & Manis 2013, Table 3
[13] Copied from bushy cells; no direct data
Kinetic parameters correspond to variables as described by Dittman et al.
(2000), their Table 1.
F: ~ Resting release probability
bushy tstellate dstellate pyramidal octopus tuberculoventral
F 0.29366 [1] 0.43435 [1] 0.43435 [2] 0.43435 [1] 0.29366 [14] 0.43435 [1]
k0 0.52313 [1] 0.06717 [1] 0.06717 [2] 0.06717 [1] 0.52313 [14] 0.06717 [1]
kmax 19.33805 [1] 52.82713 [1] 52.82713 [2] 52.82713 [1] 19.33805 [14] 52.82713 [1]
kd 0.11283 [1] 0.08209 [1] 0.08209 [2] 0.08209 [1] 0.11283 [14] 0.08209 [1]
ks 11.531 [1] 14.24460 [1] 14.24460 [2] 14.24460 [1] 11.531 [14] 14.24460 [1]
kf 17.78 [1] 18.16292 [1] 18.16292 [2] 18.16292 [1] 17.78 [14] 18.16292 [1]
taud 15.16 [1] 3.98 [1] 3.98 [2] 3.98 [1] 15.16 [14] 3.98 [1]
taus 17912.2 [1] 16917.120 [1] 16917.120 [2] 16917.120 [1] 17912.2 [14] 16917.120 [1]
tauf 9.75 [1] 11.38 [1] 11.38 [2] 11.38 [1] 9.75 [14] 11.38 [1]
dD 0.57771 [1] 2.46535 [1] 2.46535 [2] 2.46535 [1] 0.57771 [14] 2.46535 [1]
dF 0.60364 [1] 1.44543 [1] 1.44543 [2] 1.44543 [1] 0.60364 [14] 1.44543 [1]
[1] Xie & Manis 2013, Table 1. Although independently measured in > P30 CBA/CaJ mice,
the values are similar to the measurements from Yang and Xu-Friedman, 2008
in P14-P21 CBA/CaJ mice.
[2] Data copied from t-stellate column (no literature on these cells)
[14] Data copied from bushy cell column (no literature on these cells)
Kinetic parameters for glycine receptor mechanisms.
These are currently used for both DS and TV synapses, but should probably be
separated in the future.
KV, KU, and XMax are kinetic parameters for the cleft transmitter mechanism.
bushy tstellate dstellate pyramidal tuberculoventral
KV 1e9 [1] 531.0 [1] 531.0 [1] 531.0 [2] 531.0 [2]
KU 4.46 [1] 4.17 [1] 4.17 [1] 4.17 [2] 4.17 [2]
XMax 0.733 [1] 0.731 [1] 0.731 [1] 0.731 [2] 0.731 [2]
[1] Xie & Manis 2013
[2] Copied from tstellate data (Kuo et al., J. Neurophysiol. indicate glycinergic IPSCs in TV
and pyramidal cells are fast, with a decay time constant similar to that seen in tstellate
cells). In pyramidal cells, this is consistent with the brief cross-correlation tip (Voigt
and Young, 1980) and brief somatic current source (Manis and Brownell, 1983).
DStellate Synapse values
gly_gmax is the default value in the program (scaled by Po for the receptors). See synapses/
IPSC_cv is the coefficient of variation of the IPSC. (Not currently used in the model)
Pr is the release probabilty (not currently used); built into release mechanism for multisite synapses.
n_rsites is the number of release sites per dstellate terminal.
bushy tstellate dstellate octopus pyramidal tuberculoventral cartwheel
gly_gmax 2.5 [1] 1.0 [5] 1.0 [2] 0. [2] 2.0 [3] 2.0 [3] 0±0 [2]
IPSC_cv 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3]
Pr 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4]
n_rsites 10 [5] 5 [5] 5 [5] 0 [2] 5 [5] 25 [5] 0 [2]
delay 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 0
weight 0.004131 0.004455 0.0 0 0.002228 0.012097 0
tau1 0.187 0.152 0.152 0 0.152 0.152 0
tau2 7.953 1.247 1.247 0 1.247 1.247 0
erev -70.0 -70.0 -70.0 0 -70.0 -70.0 0
[1] Estimate
[2] No evidence for dstellate inputs to other d stellate cells or cartwheel cells.
Octopus cells do not get inhibitory input
[3] Guess
[4] Default value
[5] Guess *educated* DS->TS from Xie and Manis, 2013. 99 pA mini @ 50 mV driving ~ 2 nS
[6] delay from pre to post; default is 0
[7] Parameters Weight, tau1, tau2, delay and erev from comare_simple_multisynapses run and curve fitting (all cells)
Tuberculventral Synapse values
gly_gmax is the default value in the program (scaled by Po for the receptors). See synapses/
IPSC_cv is the coefficient of variation of the IPSC. (Not currently used in the model)
Pr is the release probabilty (not currently used)
n_rsites is the number of release sites per tuberculoventral terminal.
bushy tstellate dstellate octopus pyramidal tuberculoventral cartwheel
gly_gmax 5.0 [3] 3.0 [3] 3.0 [3] 0. [2] 2.1±2.9 [6] 1.8±2.3 [6] 0±0 [6]
IPSC_cv 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3] 1.0 [3] 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3]
Pr 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4]
n_rsites 6 [5] 6 [5] 0 [1] 0 [2] 6 [5] 6 [5] 6 [5]
delay 0.600 0.600 0 0 0.600 0.600 0
weight 0.002371 0.008114 0 0 0.002705 0.002705 0
tau1 0.190 0.149 0 0 0.149 0.149 0
tau2 7.952 1.250 0 0 1.250 1.250 0
erev -70.0 -70.0 0 0 -70.0 -70.0 0
[1] Default value from GlyPSD
[2] No evidence for tuberculo inputs to other d stellate cells or cartwheel cells.
Octopus cells do not get inhibitory input
[3] Guess
[4] Default value
[5] Guess
[6] Mouse data
TV conductance onto pyr cells: 2.1 nS SD 2.9 nS (Kuo et al., 2012)
TV conductance onto TV cells: 1.8 ns SD 2.3 nS.
[7] Parameters Weight, tau1, tau2, delay and erev from comare_simple_multisynapses run and curve fitting (all cells)
Fitting done against 200 rep average for bushy, 500 rep average for all others.
Cartwheel cell synapse values
gly_gmax is the default value in the program (scaled by Po for the receptors). See synapses/
IPSC_cv is the coefficient of variation of the IPSC. (Not currently used in the model)
Pr is the release probabilty (not currently used)
n_rsites is the number of release sites per cartwheel cell terminal.
bushy tstellate dstellate octopus pyramidal tuberculoventral cartwheel
gly_gmax 0.0 [3] 0.0 [3] 0.0 [3] 0. [2] 2.1±2.9 [6] 0±0 [6] 1.8±2.3 [6]
IPSC_cv 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3] 1.0 [3] 0.3 [3] 0.3 [3]
Pr 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4] 1.000 [4]
n_rsites 6 [5] 6 [5] 0 [1] 0 [2] 6 [5] 6 [5] 6 [5]
delay 0 [7] 0 0 0 0 0 0
weight 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01
tau1 0.3 [5] 0.3 [5] 0.3 [5] 0.3 [5] 0.3 [5] 0.3 [5] 0.3 [5]
tau2 2.0 [5] 2.0 [5] 2.0 [5] 2.0 [5] 2.0 [5] 2.0 [5] 2.0 [5]
erev -70 [5] -70 [5] -70 [5] -70 [5] -70 [5] -70 [5] -70 [5]
[1] Default value from GlyPSD
[2] No evidence for cartwheel inputs to Dstellate, bushy or tstellate cells.
Octopus cells do not get inhibitory input
[3] Guess
[4] Default value
[5] Guess
[6] Mouse data
TV conductance onto pyr cells: 2.1 nS SD 2.9 nS (Kuo et al., 2012)
TV conductance onto TV cells: 1.8 ns SD 2.3 nS.
[7] delay from pre to post; default is just 0
AMPA_gmax and NMDA_gmax are the estimated average peak conductances (in nS)
resulting from an action potential in a single presynaptic terminal under
conditions that minimize the effects of short-term plasticity.
AMPA_gmax are from values measured at -65 mV (or -70mV), and represent SINGLE TERMINAL
AMPAR_gmax are the individual synapse postsynaptic conductance
NMDA_gmax values are taken as the fraction of the current that is NMDAR dependent
at +40 mV (see below)
n_rsites is the number of release sites per terminal.
AMPA_gmax 21.05±15.4 [1]
AMPAR_gmax 4.6516398 [2]
NMDA_gmax 0 [3]
NMDAR_gmax 0 [3]
EPSC_cv 0.12 [4]
Pr 1.000 [5]
n_rsites 36 [6]
weight 0.01
delay 0
[1] Taken from the mouse bushy cell model.
Units are nS.
[2] See note [10] for the SGC-bushy synapse
[3] Assume no NMDA receptors at this synapse
[4] See SGC-bushy synapse
[5] Just to scale with the multisite synapse model
[6] This is a guess.