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3 years ago
from __future__ import print_function
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Routines to help use pyqtgraph and make cleaner plots
as well as get plots read for publication.
Intially copied from for matplotlib.
Modified to allow us to use a list of axes, and operate on all of those,
or to use just one axis if that's all that is passed.
Therefore, the first argument to these calls can either be a pyqtgraph axis object,
or a list of axes objects. 2/10/2012 pbm.
Created by Paul Manis on 2010-03-09.
import string
stdFont = "Arial"
import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
from .talbotetalTicks import Extended # logical tick formatting...
Basic functions:
def nice_plot(
plotlist, spines=["left", "bottom"], position=10, direction="inward", axesoff=False
""" Adjust a plot so that it looks nicer than the default matplotlib plot
Also allow quickaccess to things we like to do for publication plots, including:
using a calbar instead of an axes: calbar = [x0, y0, xs, ys]
inserting a reference line (grey, 3pt dashed, 0.5pt, at refline = y position)
plotlist : list
a plot handle or list of plot handles to which the "niceplot" will be applied
spines : list
a list of which axes should have spines. Not relevant for pyqtgraph
position : int
not relevant for pyqtgraph
direction : string
need to implement for pyqtgraph
axesoff : boolean
flag that forces plots to turn axes off
if type(plotlist) is not list:
plotlist = [plotlist]
for pl in plotlist:
if axesoff is True:
def noaxes(plotlist, whichaxes="xy"):
""" take away all the axis ticks and the lines
plotlist : list
list of plot handles
whichaxes : string
string describing which axes to remove: 'x', 'y', or 'xy' for both
if type(plotlist) is not list:
plotlist = [plotlist]
for pl in plotlist:
if "x" in whichaxes:
if "y" in whichaxes:
def setY(ax1, ax2):
Set the Y axis of all the plots in ax2 to be like ax1
ax1 : pyqtgraph plot instance
ax2 : list
list of target plots that will have the axes properties of ax1
if type(ax1) is list:
print("PlotHelpers: cannot use list as source to set Y axis")
if type(ax2) is not list:
ax2 = [ax2]
y = ax1.getAxis("left")
refy = y.range # return the current range
for ax in ax2:
def setX(ax1, ax2):
Set the X axis of all the plots in ax2 to be like ax1
ax1 : pyqtgraph plot instance
ax2 : list
list of target plots that will have the axes properties of ax1
if type(ax1) is list:
print("PlotHelpers: cannot use list as source to set X axis")
if type(ax2) is not list:
ax2 = [ax2]
x = ax1.getAxis("bottom")
refx = x.range
for ax in ax2:
def labelPanels(axl, axlist=None, font="Arial", fontsize=18, weight="normal"):
Label the panels like a specific panel
axl : dict or list
axlist : list, optional
list of labels to use for the axes, defaults to None
font : str, optional
Font to use for the labels, defaults to Arial
fontsize : int, optional
Font size in points for the labels, defaults to 18
weight : str, optional
Font weight to use, defaults to 'normal'
if type(axl) is dict:
axt = [axl[x] for x in axl]
axlist = axl.keys()
axl = axt
if type(axl) is not list:
axl = [axl]
if axlist is None:
axlist = string.uppercase(1, len(axl)) # assume we wish to go in sequence
for i, ax in enumerate(axl):
labelText = pg.TextItem(axlist[i])
y = ax.getAxis("left").range
x = ax.getAxis("bottom").range
labelText.setPos(x[0], y[1])
def listAxes(axd):
make a list of the axes from the dictionary of axes
axd : dict
a dict of axes, whose values are returned in a list
list : a list of the axes
if type(axd) is not dict:
if type(axd) is list:
return axd
print("listAxes expects dictionary or list; type not known (fix the code)")
axl = [axd[x] for x in axd]
return axl
def cleanAxes(axl):
if type(axl) is not list:
axl = [axl]
# does nothing at the moment, as axes are already "clean"
# for ax in axl:
# update_font(ax)
def formatTicks(axl, axis="xy", fmt="%d", font="Arial"):
Convert tick labels to intergers
to do just one axis, set axis = 'x' or 'y'
control the format with the formatting string
if type(axl) is not list:
axl = [axl]
def autoFormatTicks(axl, axis="xy", font="Arial"):
if type(axl) is not list:
axl = [axl]
for ax in axl:
if "x" in axis:
b = ax.getAxis("bottom")
x0 = b.range
# setFormatter(ax, x0, x1, axis = 'x')
if "y" in axis:
l = ax.getAxis("left")
y0 = l.range
# setFormatter(ax, y0, y1, axis = 'y')
def setFormatter(ax, x0, x1, axis="x"):
datarange = np.abs(x0 - x1)
mdata = np.ceil(np.log10(datarange))
# if mdata > 0 and mdata <= 4:
# majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%d')
# elif mdata > 4:
# majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%e')
# elif mdata <= 0 and mdata > -1:
# majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%5.1f')
# elif mdata < -1 and mdata > -3:
# majorFormatatter = FormatStrFormatter('%6.3f')
# else:
# majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%e')
# if axis == 'x':
# ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter)
# else:
# ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter)
def update_font(axl, size=6, font=stdFont):
# if type(axl) is not list:
# axl = [axl]
# fontProperties = {'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':[font],
# 'weight' : 'normal', 'size' : size}
# for ax in axl:
# for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
# tick.label1.set_family('sans-serif')
# tick.label1.set_fontname(stdFont)
# tick.label1.set_size(size)
# for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
# tick.label1.set_family('sans-serif')
# tick.label1.set_fontname(stdFont)
# tick.label1.set_size(size)
# ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticks(), fontProperties)
# ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticks(), fontProperties)
# ax.xaxis.set_smart_bounds(True)
# ax.yaxis.set_smart_bounds(True)
# ax.tick_params(axis = 'both', labelsize = 9)
def lockPlot(axl, lims, ticks=None):
This routine forces the plot of invisible data to force the axes to take certain
limits and to force the tick marks to appear.
call with the axis and lims = [x0, x1, y0, y1]
if type(axl) is not list:
axl = [axl]
plist = []
for ax in axl:
y = ax.getAxis("left")
x = ax.getAxis("bottom")
x.setRange(lims[0], lims[1])
y.setRange(lims[2], lims[3])
def adjust_spines(
axl, spines=("left", "bottom"), direction="outward", distance=5, smart=True
# if type(axl) is not list:
# axl = [axl]
# for ax in axl:
# # turn off ticks where there is no spine
# if 'left' in spines:
# ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left')
# else:
# # no yaxis ticks
# ax.yaxis.set_ticks([])
# if 'bottom' in spines:
# ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom')
# else:
# # no xaxis ticks
# ax.xaxis.set_ticks([])
# for loc, spine in ax.spines.iteritems():
# if loc in spines:
# spine.set_position((direction,distance)) # outward by 10 points
# if smart is True:
# spine.set_smart_bounds(True)
# else:
# spine.set_smart_bounds(False)
# else:
# spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine
# return
def calbar(plotlist, calbar=None, axesoff=True, orient="left", unitNames=None):
""" draw a calibration bar and label it up. The calibration bar is defined as:
[x0, y0, xlen, ylen]
plotlist : list
a plot item or a list of plot items for which a calbar will be applied
calbar : list, optional
a list with 4 elements, describing the calibration bar
[xposition, yposition, xlength, ylength] in units of the data inthe plot
defaults to None
axesoff : boolean, optional
Set true to turn off the standard axes, defaults to True
orient : text, optional
'left': put vertical part of the bar on the left
'right': put the vertical part of the bar on the right
defaults to 'left'
unitNames: str, optional
a dictionary with the names of the units to append to the calibration bar
lengths. Example: {'x': 'ms', 'y': 'nA'}
defaults to None
if type(plotlist) is not list:
plotlist = [plotlist]
for pl in plotlist:
if axesoff is True:
Vfmt = "%.0f"
if calbar[2] < 1.0:
Vfmt = "%.1f"
Hfmt = "%.0f"
if calbar[3] < 1.0:
Hfmt = "%.1f"
if unitNames is not None:
Vfmt = Vfmt + " " + unitNames["x"]
Hfmt = Hfmt + " " + unitNames["y"]
Vtxt = pg.TextItem(Vfmt % calbar[2], anchor=(0.5, 0.5), color=pg.mkColor("k"))
Htxt = pg.TextItem(Hfmt % calbar[3], anchor=(0.5, 0.5), color=pg.mkColor("k"))
# print pl
if calbar is not None:
if orient == "left": # vertical part is on the left
[calbar[0], calbar[0], calbar[0] + calbar[2]],
[calbar[1] + calbar[3], calbar[1], calbar[1]],
ht = Htxt.setPos(
calbar[0] + 0.05 * calbar[2], calbar[1] + 0.5 * calbar[3]
elif orient == "right": # vertical part goes on the right
[calbar[0] + calbar[2], calbar[0] + calbar[2], calbar[0]],
[calbar[1] + calbar[3], calbar[1], calbar[1]],
ht = Htxt.setPos(
calbar[0] + calbar[2] - 0.05 * calbar[2],
calbar[1] + 0.5 * calbar[3],
print(" I did not understand orientation: %s" % (orient))
print("plotting as if set to left... ")
[calbar[0], calbar[0], calbar[0] + calbar[2]],
[calbar[1] + calbar[3], calbar[1], calbar[1]],
ht = Htxt.setPos(
calbar[0] + 0.05 * calbar[2], calbar[1] + 0.5 * calbar[3]
Htxt.setText(Hfmt % calbar[3])
xc = float(calbar[0] + calbar[2] * 0.5) # always centered, below the line
yc = float(calbar[1] - 0.1 * calbar[3])
vt = Vtxt.setPos(xc, yc)
Vtxt.setText(Vfmt % calbar[2])
def refline(
color=[64, 64, 64],
Draw a reference line at a particular level of the data on the y axis
axl : list
axis handle or list of axis handles
refline : float, optional
the position of the reference line, defaults to None
color : list, optional
the RGB color list for the line, in format [r,g,b], defaults to [64, 64, 64] (faint grey line)
linestyle : str, optional
defines the linestyle to be used: -- for dash, . for doted, - for solid, -. for dash-dot,
-.. for -.., etc.
defaults to '--' (dashed)
linewidth : float, optional
width of the line, defaults to 0.5
if type(axl) is not list:
axl = [axl]
if linestyle == "--":
style = pg.QtCore.Qt.DashLine
elif linestyle == ".":
style = pg.QtCore.Qt.DotLine
elif linestyle == "-":
style = pg.QtCore.Qt.SolidLine
elif linestyle == "-.":
style = pg.QtCore.Qt.DsahDotLine
elif linestyle == "-..":
style = pg.QtCore.Qt.DashDotDotLine
style = pg.QtCore.Qt.SolidLine # default is solid
if orient is "horizontal":
for ax in axl:
if refline is not None:
x = ax.getAxis("bottom")
xlims = x.range
[refline, refline],
pen=pg.mkPen(color, width=linewidth, style=style),
if orient is "vertical":
for ax in axl:
if refline is not None:
y = ax.getAxis("left")
ylims = y.range
[refline, refline],
[ylims[0] + 0.5, ylims[1] - 0.5],
pen=pg.mkPen(color, width=linewidth, style=style),
def tickStrings(values, scale=1, spacing=None, tickPlacesAdd=1):
"""Return the strings that should be placed next to ticks. This method is called
when redrawing the axis and is a good method to override in subclasses.
values : array or list
An array or list of tick values
scale : float, optional
a scaling factor (see below), defaults to 1
spacing : float, optional
spaceing between ticks (this is required since, in some instances, there may be only
one tick and thus no other way to determine the tick spacing). Defaults to None
tickPlacesToAdd : int, optional
the number of decimal places to add to the ticks, default is 1
list : a list containing the tick strings
The scale argument is used when the axis label is displaying units which may have an SI scaling prefix.
When determining the text to display, use value*scale to correctly account for this prefix.
For example, if the axis label's units are set to 'V', then a tick value of 0.001 might
be accompanied by a scale value of 1000. This indicates that the label is displaying 'mV', and
thus the tick should display 0.001 * 1000 = 1.
Copied rom pyqtgraph; we needed it here.
if spacing is None:
spacing = np.mean(np.diff(values))
places = max(0, np.ceil(-np.log10(spacing * scale))) + tickPlacesAdd
strings = []
for v in values:
vs = v * scale
if abs(vs) < 0.001 or abs(vs) >= 10000:
vstr = "%g" % vs
vstr = ("%%0.%df" % places) % vs
return strings
def crossAxes(axl, xyzero=[0.0, 0.0], limits=[None, None, None, None], **kwds):
Make the plot(s) have crossed axes at the data points set by xyzero, and optionally
set axes limits
axl : pyqtgraph plot/axes instance or list
the plot to modify
xyzero : list
A 2-element list for the placement of x=0 and y=0, defaults to [0., 0.]
limits : list
A 4-element list with the min and max limits of the axes, defaults to all None
**kwds : keyword arguments to pass to make_crossedAxes
if type(axl) is not list:
axl = [axl]
for ax in axl:
make_crossedAxes(ax, xyzero, limits, **kwds)
def make_crossedAxes(
xyzero=[0.0, 0.0],
limits=[None, None, None, None],
density=(1.0, 1.0),
tickPlacesAdd=(0, 0),
axl : pyqtgraph plot/axes instance or list
the plot to modify
xyzero : list
A 2-element list for the placement of x=0 and y=0, defaults to [0., 0.]
limits : list
A 4-element list with the min and max limits of the axes, defaults to all None
ndec : int
Number of decimals (would be passed to talbotTicks if that was being called)
density : tuple
tick density (for talbotTicks), defaults to (1.0, 1.0)
tickl : float
Tick length, defaults to 0.0125
insideMargin : float
Inside margin space for plot, defaults to 0.05 (5%)
pointSize : int
point size for tick text, defaults to 12
tickPlacesAdd : tuple
number of decimal places to add in tickstrings for the ticks, pair for x and y axes, defaults to (0,0)
# get axis limits
aleft = ax.getAxis("left")
abottom = ax.getAxis("bottom")
aleft.setPos(pg.Point(3.0, 0.0))
yRange = aleft.range
xRange = abottom.range
hl = pg.InfiniteLine(pos=xyzero[0], angle=90, pen=pg.mkPen("k"))
vl = pg.InfiniteLine(pos=xyzero[1], angle=0, pen=pg.mkPen("k"))
# now create substitue tick marks and labels, using Talbot et al algorithm
xr = np.diff(xRange)[0]
yr = np.diff(yRange)[0]
xmin, xmax = (
np.min(xRange) - xr * insideMargin,
np.max(xRange) + xr * insideMargin,
ymin, ymax = (
np.min(yRange) - yr * insideMargin,
np.max(yRange) + yr * insideMargin,
xtick = ticks.Extended(
density=density[0], figure=None, range=(xmin, xmax), axis="x"
ytick = ticks.Extended(
density=density[1], figure=None, range=(ymin, ymax), axis="y"
xt = xtick()
yt = ytick()
ytk = yr * tickl
xtk = xr * tickl
y0 = xyzero[1]
x0 = xyzero[0]
tsx = tickStrings(xt, tickPlacesAdd=tickPlacesAdd[0])
tsy = tickStrings(yt, tickPlacesAdd=tickPlacesAdd[1])
for i, x in enumerate(xt):
t = pg.PlotDataItem(x=x * np.ones(2), y=[y0 - ytk, y0 + ytk], pen=pg.mkPen("k"))
ax.addItem(t) # tick mark
# put text in only if it does not overlap the opposite line
if x == y0:
txt = pg.TextItem(
tsx[i], anchor=(0.5, 0), color=pg.mkColor("k")
) # , size='10pt')
txt.setFont(pg.QtGui.QFont("Arial", pointSize=pointSize))
txt.setPos(pg.Point(x, y0 - ytk))
ax.addItem(txt) # , pos=pg.Point(x, y0-ytk))
for i, y in enumerate(yt):
t = pg.PlotDataItem(
x=np.array([x0 - xtk, x0 + xtk]), y=np.ones(2) * y, pen=pg.mkPen("k")
if y == x0:
txt = pg.TextItem(
tsy[i], anchor=(1, 0.5), color=pg.mkColor("k")
) # , size='10pt')
txt.setFont(pg.QtGui.QFont("Arial", pointSize=pointSize))
txt.setPos(pg.Point(x0 - xtk, y))
ax.addItem(txt) # , pos=pg.Point(x, y0-ytk))
class polarPlot:
Create a polar plot, as a PlotItem for pyqtgraph.
def __init__(self, plot=None):
Instantiate a plot as a polar plot
plot : pyqtgraph plotItem
the plot that will be converted to a polar plot, defaults to None
if None, then a new PlotItem will be created, accessible
as polarPlot.plotItem
if plot is None:
self.plotItem = pg.PlotItem() # create a plot item for the plot
self.plotItem = plot
self.gridSet = False
| = None
self.rMax = None
def setAxes(self, steps=4, rMax=None, makeGrid=True):
Make the polar plot axes
steps : int, optional
The number of radial steps for the grid, defaults to 4
rMax : float, optional
The maximum radius of the plot, defaults to None (the rMax is 1)
makeGrid : boolean, optional
Whether the grid will actually be plotted or not, defaults to True
if makeGrid is False or self.gridSet:
if rMax is None:
if is None:
rMax = 1.0
rMax = np.max(["y"])
self.rMax = rMax
# Add radial grid lines (theta markers)
gridPen = pg.mkPen(width=0.55, color="k", style=pg.QtCore.Qt.DotLine)
ringPen = pg.mkPen(width=0.75, color="k", style=pg.QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)
for th in np.linspace(0.0, np.pi * 2, 8, endpoint=False):
rx = np.cos(th) * rMax
ry = np.sin(th) * rMax
self.plotItem.plot(x=[0, rx], y=[0.0, ry], pen=gridPen)
ang = th * 360.0 / (np.pi * 2)
# anchor is odd: 0,0 is upper left corner, 1,1 is lower right corner
if ang < 90.0:
x = 0.0
y = 0.5
elif ang == 90.0:
x = 0.5
y = 1
elif ang < 180:
x = 1.0
y = 0.5
elif ang == 180.0:
x = 1
y = 0.5
elif ang < 270:
x = 1
y = 0
elif ang == 270.0:
x = 0.5
y = 0
elif ang < 360:
x = 0
y = 0
ti = pg.TextItem("%d" % (int(ang)), color=pg.mkColor("k"), anchor=(x, y))
ti.setPos(rx, ry)
# add polar grid lines (r)
for gr in np.linspace(rMax / steps, rMax, steps):
circle = pg.QtGui.QGraphicsEllipseItem(-gr, -gr, gr * 2, gr * 2)
if gr < rMax:
ti = pg.TextItem("%d" % (int(gr)), color=pg.mkColor("k"), anchor=(1, 1))
ti.setPos(gr, 0.0)
self.gridSet = True
def plot(
plot puts the data into a polar plot.
the plot will be converted to a polar graph
r : list or numpy array
a list or array of radii
theta : list or numpy array
a list or array of angles (in radians) corresponding to the values in r
vectors : boolean, optional
vectors True means that plot is composed of vectors to each point radiating from the origin, defaults to False
arrowhead : boolean, optional
arrowhead True plots arrowheads at the end of the vectors, defaults to True
normalize : boolean, optional
normalize forces the plot to be scaled to the max values in r, defaults to False
sort : boolean, optional
causes data r, theta to be sorted by theta, defaults to False
**kwds are passed to the data plot call.
# sort r, theta by r
rs = np.array(r)
thetas = np.array(theta)
if sort:
indx = np.argsort(thetas)
theta = thetas
if not isinstance(indx, np.int64):
for i, j in enumerate(indx):
rs[i] = r[j]
thetas[i] = theta[j]
# Transform to cartesian and plot
if normalize:
rs = rs / np.max(rs)
x = rs * np.cos(thetas)
y = rs * np.sin(thetas)
x = [x]
y = [y]
if vectors: # plot r,theta as lines from origin
for i, xi in enumerate(x):
# print x[i], y[i]
if arrowhead:
arrowAngle = -(
thetas[i] * 360 / (2 * np.pi) + 180
) # convert to degrees, and correct orientation
arrow = pg.ArrowItem(
angle=arrowAngle, tailLen=0, tailWidth=1.5, **kwds
arrow.setPos(x[i], y[i])
self.plotItem.plot([0.0, x[i]], [0.0, y[i]], **kwds)
self.plotItem.plot(x, y, **kwds)
self.rMax = np.max(y)
| = {"x": x, "y": y}
def hist(
binwidth=np.pi / 6.0,
plot puts the data into a polar plot as a histogram of the number of observations
within a wedge
the plot will be converted to a polar graph
r : list or numpy array
a list or array of radii
theta : list or numpy array
a list or array of angles (in radians) corresponding to the values in r
binwidth : bin width, in radians optional
vectors True means that plot is composed of vectors to each point radiating from the origin, defaults to 30 degrees (np.pi/6)
normalize : boolean, optional
normalize forces the plot to be scaled to the max values in r, defaults to False
density : boolean, optional
plot a count histogram, or a density histogram weighted by r values, defaults to False
mode : str, optional
'straight' selects straight line between bars. 'arc' makes the end of the bar an arc (truer representation), defaults to 'straight'
**kwds are passed to the data plot call.
tuple : (list of rHist, list of bins)
The histogram that was plotted (use for statistical comparisions)
rs = np.array(r)
thetas = np.array(theta)
twopi = np.pi * 2.0
for i, t in enumerate(thetas): # restrict to positive half plane [0....2*pi]
while t < 0.0:
t += twopi
while t > twopi:
t -= twopi
thetas[i] = t
bins = np.arange(0, np.pi * 2 + 1e-12, binwidth)
# compute histogram
(rhist, rbins) = np.histogram(thetas, bins=bins, weights=rs, density=density)
# Transform to cartesian and plot
if normalize:
rhist = rhist / np.max(rhist)
xo = rhist * np.cos(bins[:-1]) # get cartesian form
xp = rhist * np.cos(bins[:-1] + binwidth)
yo = rhist * np.sin(bins[:-1])
yp = rhist * np.sin(bins[:-1] + binwidth)
arcinc = np.pi / 100.0 # arc increments
for i in range(len(xp)):
if mode is "arc":
[xo[i], 0.0, xp[i]], [yo[i], 0.0, yp[i]], **kwds
) # "v" segement
arcseg = np.arange(bins[i], bins[i + 1], arcinc)
x = np.array(rhist[i] * np.cos(arcseg))
y = np.array(rhist[i] * np.sin(arcseg))
self.plotItem.plot(x, y, **kwds)
[0.0, xo[i], xp[i], 0.0], [0.0, yo[i], yp[i], 0.0], **kwds
| = {"x": xo, "y": yo}
self.rMax = np.max(yo)
return (rhist, rbins)
def circmean(self, alpha, axis=None):
Compute the circular mean of a set of angles along the axis
alpha : numpy array
the angles to compute the circular mean of
axis : int
The axis of alpha for the computatoin, defaults to None
float : the mean angle
mean_angle = np.arctan2(
np.mean(np.sin(alpha), axis), np.mean(np.cos(alpha), axis)
return mean_angle
def talbotTicks(axl, **kwds):
Adjust the tick marks using the talbot et al algorithm, on an existing plot.
if type(axl) is not list:
axl = [axl]
for ax in axl:
do_talbotTicks(ax, **kwds)
def do_talbotTicks(
density=(1.0, 1.0),
tickPlacesAdd=(0, 0),
Change the axis ticks to use the talbot algorithm for ONE axis
Paramerters control the ticks
ax : pyqtgraph axis instance
the axis to change the ticks on
ndec : int
Number of decimals (would be passed to talbotTicks if that was being called)
density : tuple
tick density (for talbotTicks), defaults to (1.0, 1.0)
insideMargin : float
Inside margin space for plot, defaults to 0.05 (5%)
pointSize : int
point size for tick text, defaults to 12
tickPlacesAdd : tuple
number of decimal places to add in tickstrings for the ticks, pair for x and y axes, defaults to (0,0)
# get axis limits
aleft = ax.getAxis("left")
abottom = ax.getAxis("bottom")
yRange = aleft.range
xRange = abottom.range
# now create substitue tick marks and labels, using Talbot et al algorithm
xr = np.diff(xRange)[0]
yr = np.diff(yRange)[0]
xmin, xmax = (
np.min(xRange) - xr * insideMargin,
np.max(xRange) + xr * insideMargin,
ymin, ymax = (
np.min(yRange) - yr * insideMargin,
np.max(yRange) + yr * insideMargin,
xtick = ticks.Extended(
density=density[0], figure=None, range=(xmin, xmax), axis="x"
ytick = ticks.Extended(
density=density[1], figure=None, range=(ymin, ymax), axis="y"
xt = xtick()
yt = ytick()
xts = tickStrings(xt, scale=1, spacing=None, tickPlacesAdd=tickPlacesAdd[0])
yts = tickStrings(yt, scale=1, spacing=None, tickPlacesAdd=tickPlacesAdd[1])
xtickl = [[(x, xts[i]) for i, x in enumerate(xt)], []] # no minor ticks here
ytickl = [[(y, yts[i]) for i, y in enumerate(yt)], []] # no minor ticks here
# ticks format: [ (majorTickValue1, majorTickString1), (majorTickValue2, majorTickString2), ... ],
# now set the point size (this may affect spacing from axis, and that would have to be adjusted - see the pyqtgraph google groups)
if pointSize is not None:
b = pg.QtGui.QFont()
aleft.tickFont = b
abottom.tickFont = b
def violinPlotScatter(ax, data, symbolColor="k", symbolSize=4, symbol="o"):
Plot data as violin plot with scatter and error bar
ax : pyqtgraph plot instance
is the axs to plot into
data : dict
dictionary containing {pos1: data1, pos2: data2}, where pos is the x position for the data in data. Each data
set iis plotted as a separate column
symcolor : string, optional
color of the symbols, defaults to 'k' (black)
symbolSize : int, optional
Size of the symbols in the scatter plot, points, defaults to 4
symbol : string, optoinal
The symbol to use, defaults to 'o' (circle)
y = []
x = []
xb = np.arange(0, len(data.keys()), 1)
ybm = [0] * len(data.keys()) # np.zeros(len(sdat.keys()))
ybs = [0] * len(data.keys()) # np.zeros(len(sdat.keys()))
for i, k in enumerate(data.keys()):
yvals = np.array(data[k])
xvals = pg.pseudoScatter(yvals, spacing=0.4, bidir=True) * 0.2
x=xvals + i,
x.append([i] * len(yvals))
ybm[i] = np.nanmean(yvals)
ybs[i] = np.nanstd(yvals)
mbar = pg.PlotDataItem(
x=np.array([xb[i] - 0.2, xb[i] + 0.2]),
y=np.array([ybm[i], ybm[i]]),
pen={"color": "k", "width": 0.75},
bar = pg.ErrorBarItem(
pen={"color": "k", "width": 0.75},
violin_plot(ax, y, xb, bp=False)
ticks = [[(v, k) for v, k in enumerate(data.keys())], []]
def violin_plot(ax, data, pos, dist=0.0, bp=False):
create violin plots on an axis
if data is None or len(data) == 0:
return # skip trying to do the plot
dist = max(pos) - min(pos)
w = min(0.15 * max(dist, 1.0), 0.5)
for i, d in enumerate(data):
if d == [] or len(d) == 0:
k = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(d) # calculates the kernel density
m = k.dataset.min() # lower bound of violin
M = k.dataset.max() # upper bound of violin
y = np.arange(m, M, (M - m) / 100.0) # support for violin
v = k.evaluate(y) # violin profile (density curve)
v = v / v.max() * w # scaling the violin to the available space
c1 = pg.PlotDataItem(y=y, x=pos[i] + v, pen=pg.mkPen("k", width=0.5))
c2 = pg.PlotDataItem(y=y, x=pos[i] - v, pen=pg.mkPen("k", width=0.5))
# mean = k.dataset.mean()
# vm = k.evaluate(mean)
# vm = vm * w
# ax.plot(x=np.array([pos[i]-vm[0], pos[i]+vm[0]]), y=np.array([mean, mean]), pen=pg.mkPen('k', width=1.0))
# ax.addItem(hbar)
f = pg.FillBetweenItem(
curve1=c1, curve2=c2, brush=pg.mkBrush((255, 255, 0, 96))
if bp:
# bpf = ax.boxplot(data, notch=0, positions=pos, vert=1)
# pylab.setp(bpf['boxes'], color='black')
# pylab.setp(bpf['whiskers'], color='black', linestyle='-')
def labelAxes(plot, xtext, ytext, **kwargs):
helper to label up the plot
plot : plot item
xtext : string
text for x axis
ytext : string
text for y axis
**kwargs : keywords
additional arguments to pass to pyqtgraph setLabel
plot.setLabel("bottom", xtext, **kwargs)
plot.setLabel("left", ytext, **kwargs)
def labelPanels(plot, label=None, **kwargs):
helper to label up the plot
Inputs: plot item
text for x axis
text for yaxis
plot title (on top) OR
plot panel label (for example, "A", "A1")
if label is not None:
setPlotLabel(plot, plotlabel="%s" % label, **kwargs)
setPlotLabel(plot, plotlabel="")
def labelTitles(plot, title=None, **kwargs):
Set the title of a plotitem. Basic HTML formatting is allowed, along
with "size", "bold", "italic", etc..
If the title is not defined, then a blank label is used
A title is a text label that appears centered above the plot, in
QGridLayout (position 0,2) of the plotitem.
:param plotitem: The plot item to label
:param title: The text string to use for the label
:kwargs: keywords to pass to the pg.LabelItem
:return: None
if title is not None:
plot.setTitle(title="<b><large>%s</large></b>" % title, visible=True, **kwargs)
else: # clear the plot title
plot.setTitle(title=" ")
def setPlotLabel(plotitem, plotlabel="", **kwargs):
Set the plotlabel of a plotitem. Basic HTML formatting is allowed, along
with "size", "bold", "italic", etc..
If plotlabel is not defined, then a blank label is used
A plotlabel is a text label that appears the upper left corner of the
QGridLayout (position 0,0) of the plotitem.
:param plotitem: The plot item to label
:param plotlabel: The text string to use for the label
:kwargs: keywords to pass to the pg.LabelItem
:return: None
plotitem.LabelItem = pg.LabelItem(plotlabel, **kwargs)
plotitem.layout.setRowFixedHeight(0, 30)
plotitem.layout.addItem(plotitem.LabelItem, 0, 0)
class LayoutMaker:
def __init__(
self.sequential_letters = string.ascii_uppercase
self.cols = cols
self.rows = rows
self.letters = letters
self.titles = titles
self.edges = labelEdges
self.margins = margins
self.spacing = spacing
self.rcmap = [None] * cols * rows
self.plots = None
| = win
self.ticks = ticks
letters=letters, titles=titles, margins=margins, spacing=spacing
# self.addLayout(win)
# def addLayout(self, win=None):
# if win is not None:
# win.setLayout(self.gridLayout)
def getCols(self):
return self.cols
def getRows(self):
return self.rows
def mapFromIndex(self, index):
for a given index, return the row, col tuple associated with the index
return self.rcmap[index]
def getPlot(self, index):
return the plot item in the list corresponding to the index n
if isinstance(index, tuple):
r, c = index
elif isinstance(index, int):
r, c = self.rcmap[index]
raise ValueError(
"pyqtgraphPlotHelpers, LayoutMaker plot: index must be int or tuple(r,c)"
return self.plots[r][c]
def plot(self, index, *args, **kwargs):
p = self.getPlot(index).plot(*args, **kwargs)
if self.ticks == "talbot":
return p
def _makeLayout(self, letters=True, titles=True, margins=4, spacing=4):
Create a multipanel plot.
The pyptgraph elements (widget, gridlayout, plots) are stored as class variables.
The layout is always a rectangular grid with shape (cols, rows)
if letters is true, then the plot is labeled "A, B, C..." Indices move horizontally first, then vertically
margins sets the margins around the outside of the plot
spacing sets the spacing between the elements of the grid
If a window was specified ( is not None) then the grid layout will derive from that window's central
item; otherwise we just make a gridLayout that can be put into another container somewhere.
import string
if is not None:
self.gridLayout = (
) # the window's 'central item' is the main gridlayout.
self.gridLayout = (
) # just create the grid layout to add to another item
self.gridLayout.setContentsMargins(margins, margins, margins, margins)
self.plots = [[0 for x in xrange(self.cols)] for x in xrange(self.rows)]
i = 0
for r in range(self.rows):
for c in range(self.cols):
self.plots[r][c] =, col=c) # pg.PlotWidget()
if letters:
if titles:
self.rcmap[i] = (r, c)
i += 1
if i > 25:
i = 0
self.labelEdges("T(s)", "Y", edgeOnly=self.edges)
def labelEdges(self, xlabel="T(s)", ylabel="Y", edgeOnly=True, **kwargs):
label the axes on the outer edges of the gridlayout, leaving the interior axes clean
(lastrow, lastcol) = self.rcmap[-1]
i = 0
for (r, c) in self.rcmap:
if c == 0:
ylab = ylabel
elif edgeOnly:
ylab = ""
ylab = ylabel
if r == self.rows - 1: # only the last row
xlab = xlabel
elif edgeOnly: # but not other rows
xlab = ""
xlab = xlabel # otherwise, label it
labelAxes(self.plots[r][c], xlab, ylab, **kwargs)
i += 1
def axesEdges(self, edgeOnly=True):
text labesls only on the axes on the outer edges of the gridlayout,
leaving the interior axes clean
(lastrow, lastcol) = self.rcmap[-1]
i = 0
for (r, c) in self.rcmap:
xshow = True
yshow = True
if edgeOnly and c > 0:
yshow = False
if edgeOnly and r < self.rows: # only the last row
yshow = False
ax = self.getPlot((r, c))
leftaxis = ax.getAxis("left")
bottomaxis = ax.getAxis("bottom")
# print dir(self.plots[r][c])
leftaxis.showValues = yshow
bottomaxis.showValues = xshow
i += 1
def columnAutoScale(self, col, axis="left"):
autoscale the columns according to the max value in the column.
Finds outside range of column data, then sets the scale of all plots
in the column to that range
atmax = None
atmin = None
for (r, c) in self.rcmap:
if c != col:
ax = self.getPlot((r, c))
thisaxis = ax.getAxis(axis)
amin, amax = thisaxis.range
if atmax is None:
atmax = amax
if amax > atmax:
atmax = amax
if atmin is None:
atmin = amin
if amin > atmin:
atmin = amin
self.columnSetScale(col, axis=axis, range=(atmin, atmax))
return (atmin, atmax)
def columnSetScale(self, col, axis="left", range=(0.0, 1.0)):
Set the column scale
for (r, c) in self.rcmap:
if c != col:
ax = self.getPlot((r, c))
if axis == "left":
ax.setYRange(range[0], range[1])
elif axis == "bottom":
ax.setXRange(range[0], range[1])
if self.ticks == "talbot":
def title(self, index, title="", **kwargs):
add a title to a specific plot (specified by index) in the layout
labelTitles(self.getPlot(index), title=title, **kwargs)
def figure(title=None, background="w"):
if background == "w":
pg.setConfigOption("background", "w") # set background to white
pg.setConfigOption("foreground", "k")
win = pg.GraphicsWindow(title=title)
return win
def show():
def test_layout(win):
Test the various plot types and modifications provided by the helpers above,
in the context of a layout with various kinds of plots.
layout = LayoutMaker(cols=4, rows=2, win=win, labelEdges=True, ticks="talbot")
x = np.arange(0, 10.0, 0.1)
y = np.sin(x * 3.0) # make an interesting signal
r = np.random.random(10) # and a random signal
theta = np.linspace(0, 2.0 * np.pi, 10, endpoint=False) # r, theta for polar plots
for n in range(4 * 2):
if n not in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
layout.plot(n, x, y)
p = layout.getPlot(n)
if n == 0: # crossed axes plot
xyzero=[5.0, 0.0],
density=(0.75, 1.5),
tickPlacesAdd=(1, 0),
layout.title(n, "Crossed Axes")
if n in [1, 2, 3]: # two differnt forms of polar plots
if n == 1:
po = polarPlot(p)
po.plot(r, theta, pen=pg.mkPen("r"))
layout.title(n, "Polar Path")
if n == 2:
po = polarPlot(p)
po.plot(r, theta, vectors=True, pen=pg.mkPen("k", width=2.0))
pen=pg.mkPen("r", width=2.0),
layout.title(n, "Polar Arrows")
if n == 3:
po = polarPlot(p)
binwidth=np.pi / 6.0,
binwidth=np.pi / 6.0,
layout.title(n, "Polar Histogram")
if n == 4: # violin plot with scatter plot data
data = {
2: [3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, 7, 2, 3, 1, 2.5],
3: [5, 6, 7, 9, 2, 8, 10, 9.5, 11],
violinPlotScatter(p, data, symbolColor="r")
p.setYRange(0, 12)
layout.title(n, "Violin Plots with PseudoScatter")
if (
n == 5
): # clean plot for physiology with baseline reference and a calibration bar
calbar=[7.0, -1.5, 2.0, 0.5],
unitNames={"x": "ms", "y": "nA"},
refline(p, refline=0.0, color=[64, 64, 64], linestyle="--", linewidth=0.5)
layout.title(n, "Calbar and Refline")
# talbotTicks(layout.getPlot(1))
layout.columnAutoScale(col=3, axis="left")
def test_crossAxes(win):
layout = LayoutMaker(cols=1, rows=1, win=win, labelEdges=True)
x = np.arange(-1, 1.0, 0.01)
y = np.sin(x * 10.0)
layout.plot(0, x, y)
p = layout.getPlot(0)
xyzero=[0.0, 0.0],
limits=[None, None, None, None],
def test_polarPlot(win):
layout = LayoutMaker(cols=1, rows=1, win=win, labelEdges=True)
po = polarPlot(layout.getPlot((0, 0))) # convert rectangular plot to polar
po.setAxes(steps=4, rMax=100, makeGrid=True) # build the axes
nvecs = 50
# th = np.linspace(-np.pi*2, np.pi*2-np.pi*2/nvecs, nvecs)
th = np.linspace(-np.pi * 4, 0, nvecs)
r = np.linspace(10, 100, nvecs)
r, th, vectors=True, arrowhead=True, symbols="o", pen=pg.mkPen("k", width=1.5)
) # plot with arrowheads
nvecs = 8
th = np.linspace(-np.pi * 2, np.pi * 2 - np.pi * 2 / nvecs, nvecs)
r = np.linspace(10, 100, nvecs)
# po.plot(r, th, vectors=True, arrowhead=False, symbols='o', pen=pg.mkPen('r', width=1.5)) # plot with just lines
if __name__ == "__main__":
win = figure(title="testing")
# test_crossAxes(win)
# test_polarPlot(win)