TITLE Gly synapse COMMENT MODIFIED to be a faster GLY synapse, taken from GABA synapse Paul B. Manis - 7 Feb 2000 simple alpha-synapse that generates a single PSP ********************************************* reference: McCormick, Wang & Huguenard (1993) Cerebral Cortex 3(5), 387-398 found in: cat reticular nucleus of thalamus ********************************************* Assembled for MyFirstNEURON by Arthur Houweling ENDCOMMENT INDEPENDENT {t FROM 0 TO 1 WITH 1 (ms)} NEURON { POINT_PROCESS GlySynapse USEION cl READ ecl VALENCE 1 : negative valence not accepted by nrnivmodl RANGE onset, gmaxIPSP, e, g, i, w NONSPECIFIC_CURRENT i } UNITS { (nA) = (nanoamp) (mV) = (millivolt) (nS) = (nanomho) } PARAMETER { onset= 25 (ms) gmaxIPSP= 0 (nS) w= 1 : weight factor for gmaxIPSP ecl (mV) v (mV) celsius (degC) } ASSIGNED { i (nA) g (nS) tadj } UNITSOFF INITIAL { tadj = 3^((celsius-23.5)/10) } BREAKPOINT { LOCAL tt tt= (t-onset)*tadj if ((t>onset)&&(tt<740)) { : the exp() function does not accept arguments smaller than -745 g = w*gmaxIPSP * exp(-tt/15) * (1-exp(-tt/0.5))/0.84 } else {g = 0} : -ecl because negative valences can not be specified i = g * (v-(-ecl)) } UNITSON