TITLE jsr.mod VCN conductances COMMENT Ih for VCN neurons - average from several studies in auditory neurons Implementation by Paul B. Manis, April (JHU) and Sept, (UNC)1999. revised 2/28/04 pbm pmanis@med.unc.edu Modifed implementation; includes all temperature scaling, passes modlunit 7/10/2014 pbm ENDCOMMENT UNITS { (mA) = (milliamp) (mV) = (millivolt) (nA) = (nanoamp) } NEURON { THREADSAFE SUFFIX ihvcn NONSPECIFIC_CURRENT i RANGE gbar, gh, i, eh GLOBAL rinf, rtau } INDEPENDENT {t FROM 0 TO 1 WITH 1 (ms)} PARAMETER { v (mV) dt (ms) gbar = 0.00318 (mho/cm2) <0,1e9> q10tau = 3.0 } STATE { r } ASSIGNED { celsius (degC) gh (mho/cm2) eh (mV) i (mA/cm2) rinf rtau (ms) q10 () } BREAKPOINT { SOLVE states METHOD cnexp gh = gbar*r i = gh*(v - eh) } INITIAL { q10 = q10tau^((celsius - 22)/10 (degC)) : if you don't like room temp, it can be changed! rates(v) r = rinf } DERIVATIVE states { :Computes state variables m, h, and n rates(v) : at the current v and dt. r' = (rinf - r)/rtau } PROCEDURE rates(v (mV)) { :Computes rate and other constants at current v. :Call once from HOC to initialize inf at resting v. rinf = 1 / (1+exp((v + 76) / 7 (mV))) rtau = (100000 (ms)/ (237*exp((v+60) / 12 (mV)) + 17*exp(-(v+60) / 14 (mV)))) + 25 rtau = rtau/q10 }