TITLE na.mod A sodium channel for cochlear nucleus neurons COMMENT NEURON implementation of Jason Rothman's measurements of VCN conductances. This file implements the average brain sodium current used in the Rothman model. In the absence of direct measurements in the VCN, this is a fair assumption. The model differs from the one used in Rothman et al, (1993) in that the steep voltage dependence of recovery from inactivation in that model is missing. This may affect the refractory period. To use the other model, use najsr.mod instead. Original implementation by Paul B. Manis, April (JHU) and Sept, (UNC)1999. File split implementaiton, April 1, 2004. Contact: pmanis@med.unc.edu Modifed implementation; includes all temperature scaling, passes modlunit 7/10/2014 pbm ENDCOMMENT UNITS { (mA) = (milliamp) (mV) = (millivolt) (nA) = (nanoamp) } NEURON { THREADSAFE SUFFIX na USEION na READ ena WRITE ina RANGE gbar, gna, ina GLOBAL hinf, minf, htau, mtau } INDEPENDENT {t FROM 0 TO 1 WITH 1 (ms)} PARAMETER { v (mV) dt (ms) ena (mV) gbar = 0.07958 (mho/cm2) <0,1e9> q10tau = 3.0 q10g = 2.0 } STATE { m h } ASSIGNED { celsius (degC) : model is defined on measurements made at room temp in Baltimore ina (mA/cm2) gna (mho/cm2) minf hinf mtau (ms) htau (ms) qg () : computed q10 for gnabar based on q10g q10 () } LOCAL mexp, hexp BREAKPOINT { SOLVE states METHOD cnexp gna = qg*gbar*(m^3)*h ina = gna*(v - ena) } INITIAL { qg = q10g^((celsius-22)/10 (degC)) q10 = q10tau^((celsius - 22)/10 (degC)) : if you don't like room temp, it can be changed! rates(v) m = minf h = hinf } DERIVATIVE states { :Computes state variables m, h, and n rates(v) : at the current v and dt. m' = (minf - m)/mtau h' = (hinf - h)/htau } PROCEDURE rates(v (mV)) { :Computes rate and other constants at current v. :Call once from HOC to initialize inf at resting v. : average sodium channel minf = 1 / (1+exp(-(v + 38) / 7 (mV))) hinf = 1 / (1+exp((v + 65) / 6 (mV))) mtau = (10 (ms)/ (5*exp((v+60) / 18 (mV)) + 36*exp(-(v+60) / 25 (mV)))) + 0.04 mtau = mtau/q10 htau = (100 (ms)/ (7*exp((v+60) / 11 (mV)) + 10*exp(-(v+60) / 25 (mV)))) + 0.6 htau = htau/q10 }