TITLE pyrna.mod DCN pyramidal cell model sodium channel COMMENT Revised version of DCN Pyramidal cell model sodium channel This model implements part of a Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus Pyramidal point cell based on kinetic data from Kanold and Manis (1999) and Kanold's dissertation (1999) -- 15 Jan 1999 P. Manis This mechanism is the fast sodium channel portion of the model. Orignal: 2/10/02. P. Manis. Extraced from Pyr.mod, 7/24/2014. ENDCOMMENT UNITS { (mA) = (milliamp) (mV) = (millivolt) } NEURON { THREADSAFE SUFFIX napyr USEION na READ ena WRITE ina RANGE gna, minf, hinf, ninf, gbar : sodium channels and delayed rectifier RANGE mtau, htau, ntau : time constants for sodium channels and delayed rectifier } INDEPENDENT {t FROM 0 TO 1 WITH 1 (ms)} PARAMETER { v (mV) celsius (degC) dt (ms) ek (mV) : = -81.5 (mV) ena (mV) : = 50.0 (mV) gbar = 0.02857 (mho/cm2) <0,1e9> mtau0 = 0.05 (ms) <0.01,100> htau0 = 0.5 (ms) <0.1,100> ntau = 0.5 (ms) <0.1,100> } STATE { m h } ASSIGNED { gna (mho/cm2) ina (mA/cm2) minf hinf mtau htau } LOCAL mexp, hexp BREAKPOINT { SOLVE states METHOD cnexp gna = gbar*m*m*h ina = gna*(v - ena) } UNITSOFF INITIAL { rates(v) m = minf h = hinf } DERIVATIVE states { rates(v) m' = (minf - m) / mtau h' = (hinf - h) / htau } LOCAL q10 PROCEDURE rates(v(mV)) { :Computes rate and other constants at current v. :Call once from HOC to initialize inf at resting v. LOCAL alpha, beta, sum TABLE minf, mtau, hinf, htau DEPEND celsius FROM -200 TO 100 WITH 400 UNITSOFF q10 = 3^((celsius - 22)/10) : "m" sodium activation system minf = na_m(v) mtau = na_mt(v) : "h" sodium inactivation system hinf = na_h(v) htau = na_ht(v) } : Make these as functions so we can view them from hoc, although this : may slow things down a bit FUNCTION na_m(x) { : sodium activation na_m = 1/(1+exp(-(x+38)/3.0)) : POK version : na_m = alphbet(x,35,0,5,-10) :de Schutter (doesn't work well in our version) : na_m = na_m/(na_m + alphbet(x,7,0,65,20)) } FUNCTION na_mt(x) { : sodium activation with taus na_mt = mtau0 : flat time constants : na_mt = alphbet(x,35,0,5,-10) : na_mt = 1/(na_mt + alphbet(x,7,0,65,20)) } FUNCTION na_h(x) { : sodium inactivation na_h = 1/(1+exp((x+43)/3.0)) : flat time constants (POK version) : na_h = alphbet(x,0.225,1,80,10) : na_h = na_h/(na_h + alphbet(x,7.5,0,-3,-18)) } FUNCTION na_ht(x) { : sodium inactivation tau na_ht = htau0 : POK: flat time constants : na_ht = alphbet(x,0.225,1,80,10) : de Schutter version (doesn't work well with other stuff) : na_ht = 1/(na_ht + alphbet(x,7.5,0,-3,-18)) } FUNCTION alphbet(x,A,B,C,D) { : alpha/beta general functions for : transcrbing GENESIS models alphbet = A/(B+exp((x+C)/D)) } UNITSON