from neuron import h import numpy as np import scipy import scipy.integrate import scipy.stats try: import pyqtgraph as pg HAVE_PG = True except ImportError: HAVE_PG = False from ..util.stim import make_pulse from .protocol import Protocol class CurrentClamp(Protocol): def __init__(self): super(CurrentClamp, self).__init__() def run(self, cell, cmd, temp=22, dt=0.025): """ Run a single current-clamp recording on *section*. Parameters ---------- cell : Cell The Cell instance to test. IClamp will be attached to cell.soma(0.5). cmd : array Array of current command values temp : temperature of simulation (22) dt : timestep of simulation (0.025) """ self.reset() self.cell = cell self.current_cmd = cmd self.dt = dt self.temp = temp tend = len(cmd) * dt # Configure IClamp istim = h.iStim(0.5, sec=cell.soma) istim.delay = 0 istim.dur = 1e9 # these actually do not matter... istim.iMax = 0.0 i_stim = h.Vector(cmd), h.dt, 0) # Connect recording vectors self["vm"] = cell.soma(0.5)._ref_v self["i_inj"] = istim._ref_i self["time"] = h._ref_t # GO h.dt = dt h.celsius = temp h.tstop = tend cell.initialize() h.frecord_init() while h.t < h.tstop: h.fadvance() def show(self): """ Plot results from run() """ if not HAVE_PG: raise Exception("Requires pyqtgraph") # # Generate figure with subplots # app = pg.mkQApp() win = pg.GraphicsWindow() win.resize(1000, 800) Vplot = win.addPlot(labels={"left": "Vm (mV)", "bottom": "Time (ms)"}) win.nextRow() Iplot = win.addPlot(labels={"left": "Iinj (nA)", "bottom": "Time (ms)"}), 10), 5) Vplot.plot(self["time"], self["vm"]) Iplot.plot(self["time"], self["i_inj"]) = win