from __future__ import print_function from neuron import h import numpy as np import scipy import scipy.integrate import scipy.stats import scipy.optimize try: import pyqtgraph as pg HAVE_PG = True except ImportError: HAVE_PG = False from ..util.stim import make_pulse from ..util import fitting from ..util import custom_init from .protocol import Protocol class IVCurve(Protocol): def __init__(self): super(IVCurve, self).__init__() def reset(self): super(IVCurve, self).reset() self.voltage_traces = [] self.durs = None # durations of current steps self.current_cmd = None # Current command levels self.current_traces = [] self.time_values = None self.dt = None self.initdelay = 0.0 def run( self, ivrange, cell, durs=None, sites=None, reppulse=None, temp=22, dt=0.025, initdelay=0.0, ): """ Run a current-clamp I/V curve on *cell*. Parameters ---------- ivrange : dict of list of tuples Each item in the list is (min, max, step) describing a range of levels to test. Range values are inclusive, so the max value may appear in the test values. Using multiple ranges allows finer measurements in some ranges. For example:: {'pulse': [(-1., 0., 1.), (-0.1, 0., 0.02)], 'prepulse': [(-0.5, 0, 0.1)]} Optional keys include 'pulsedur' : the duration of the pulse, in ms 'prepulsecur: the duration of the prepulse, in ms The prepulse or the pulse can have a single value if the other is ranged. cell : Cell The Cell instance to test. durs : tuple durations of (pre, pulse, post) regions of the command sites : list Sections to add recording electrodes reppulse : stimulate with pulse train temp : temperature of simulation (32) dt : timestep of simulation (0.025) """ self.reset() self.cell = cell self.initdelay = initdelay self.dt = dt self.temp = temp # Calculate current pulse levels icur = [] precur = [0.0] self.pre_current_cmd = [] npresteps = 0 if isinstance(ivrange["pulse"], tuple): icmd = [ivrange["pulse"]] # convert to a list with tuple(s) embedded else: icmd = ivrange["pulse"] # was already a list with multiple tuples for c in icmd: # unpack current levels for the main pulse try: (imin, imax, istep) = c # unpack a tuple... or list except: raise TypeError( "run_iv arguments must be a dict with tuples {'pulse': (imin, imax, istep), 'prepulse': ...}" ) nstep = np.floor((imax - imin) / istep) + 1 icur.extend(imin + istep * np.arange(nstep)) # build the list self.current_cmd = np.array(sorted(icur)) nsteps = self.current_cmd.shape[0] # Configure IClamp if durs is None: durs = [10.0, 100.0, 50.0] # set default durs if "prepulse" in ivrange.keys(): if isinstance(ivrange["prepulse"], tuple): icmd = [ivrange["prepulse"]] # convert to a list with tuple(s) embedded else: icmd = ivrange["prepulse"] # was already a list with multiple tuples precur = [] for c in icmd: try: (imin, imax, istep) = c # unpack a tuple... or list except: raise TypeError( "run_iv arguments must be a dict with tuples {'pulse': (imin, imax, istep), 'prepulse': ...}" ) nstep = np.floor((imax - imin) / istep) + 1 precur.extend(imin + istep * np.arange(nstep)) # build the list self.pre_current_cmd = np.array(sorted(precur)) npresteps = self.pre_current_cmd.shape[0] durs.insert(1, 50.0) self.durs = durs # set up stimulation with a pulse train if reppulse is not None: stim = { "NP": 10, "Sfreq": 50.0, "delay": 10.0, "dur": 2, "amp": 1.0, "PT": 0.0, "dt": self.dt, } elif "prepulse" in ivrange.keys(): stim = { "NP": 2, "delay": durs[0], "predur": durs[1], "dur": durs[2], "amp": 1.0, "preamp": 0.0, "dt": self.dt, } self.p_start = durs[0] + durs[1] self.p_end = self.p_start + durs[2] self.p_dur = durs[2] else: stim = { "NP": 1, "delay": durs[0], "dur": durs[1], "amp": 1.0, "dt": self.dt, } self.p_start = durs[0] self.p_end = self.p_start + durs[1] self.p_dur = durs[1] # print stim # print('p_: ', self.p_start, self.p_end, self.p_dur) istim = h.iStim(0.5, sec=cell.soma) istim.delay = 5.0 istim.dur = 1e9 # these actually do not matter... istim.iMax = 0.0 self.tend = np.sum(durs) # maxt + len(iextend)*stim['dt'] self.cell = cell for i in range(nsteps): # Generate current command for this level stim["amp"] = self.current_cmd[i] if npresteps > 0: for j in range(npresteps): stim["preamp"] = self.pre_current_cmd[j] self.run_one(istim, stim, initflag=(i == 0 and j == 0)) else: self.run_one(istim, stim, initflag=(i == 0)) def run_one(self, istim, stim, initflag=True): """ Perform one run in current-clamp for the selected cell and add the data to the traces Parameters ---------- istim : Stimulus electrode instance stim : waveform information initflag : boolean (default: True) If true, force initialziation of the cell and computation of point Rin, tau and Vm """ (secmd, maxt, tstims) = make_pulse(stim) # print('maxt, dt*lencmd: ', maxt, len(secmd)*self.dt)# secmd = np.append(secmd, [0.]) # print('stim: ', stim, self.tend) # connect current command vector playvector = h.Vector(secmd), h.dt, 0, sec=self.cell.soma) # Connect recording vectors self["v_soma"] = self.cell.soma(0.5)._ref_v # self['q10'] = self.cell.soma(0.5).ihpyr_adj._ref_q10 # self['ih_ntau'] = self.cell.soma(0.5).ihpyr_adj._ref_kh_n_tau self["i_inj"] = istim._ref_i self["time"] = h._ref_t # h('secondorder=0') # direct call fails; let hoc do the work h.celsius = self.cell.status["temperature"] self.cell.cell_initialize() h.dt = self.dt custom_init(v_init=self.cell.vm0) h.t = 0.0 h.tstop = self.tend while h.t < h.tstop: h.fadvance() self.voltage_traces.append(self["v_soma"]) self.current_traces.append(self["i_inj"]) self.time_values = np.array(self["time"] - self.initdelay) # self.mon_q10 = np.array(self['q10']) # self.mon_ih_ntau = np.array(self['ih_ntau']) def peak_vm(self, window=0.5): """ Parameters ---------- window : float (default: 0.5) fraction of trace to look at to find peak value Returns ------- peak membrane voltage for each trace. """ Vm = self.voltage_traces Icmd = self.current_cmd steps = len(Icmd) peakStart = int(self.p_start / self.dt) peakStop = int( peakStart + (self.p_dur * window) / self.dt ) # peak can be in first half Vpeak = [] for i in range(steps): if Icmd[i] > 0: Vpeak.append(Vm[i][peakStart:peakStop].max()) else: Vpeak.append(Vm[i][peakStart:peakStop].min()) return np.array(Vpeak) def steady_vm(self, window=0.1): """ Parameters ---------- window: (float) default: 0.1 fraction of window to use for steady-state measurement, taken immediately before the end of the step Returns ------- steady-state membrane voltage for each trace. """ Vm = self.voltage_traces steps = len(Vm) steadyStop = int((self.p_end) / self.dt) steadyStart = int( steadyStop - (self.p_end * window) / self.dt ) # measure last 10% of trace Vsteady = [Vm[i][steadyStart:steadyStop].mean() for i in range(steps)] return np.array(Vsteady) def spike_times(self, threshold=None): """ Return an array of spike times for each trace. Parameters ---------- threshold: float (default: None) Optional threshold at which to detect spikes. By default, this queries cell.spike_threshold. Returns ------- list of spike times. """ if threshold is None: threshold = self.cell.spike_threshold Vm = self.voltage_traces steps = len(Vm) spikes = [] for i in range(steps): # dvdt = np.diff(Vm[i]) / self.dt # mask = (dvdt > 40).astype(int) mask = (Vm[i] > threshold).astype(int) indexes = np.argwhere(np.diff(mask) == 1)[:, 0] + 1 times = indexes.astype(float) * self.dt spikes.append(times) return spikes def spike_filter(self, spikes, window=(0.0, np.inf)): """Filter the spikes to only those occurring in a defined window. Required to compute input resistance in traces with no spikes during the stimulus, because some traces will have anodal break spikes. Parameters ---------- spikes : list the list of spike trains returned from the spike_times method window : (start, stop) the window over which to look for spikes (in msec: default is the entire trace). Returns ------- the spikes in a list """ filteredspikes = [] for i in range(len(spikes)): winspikes = [] # spikes is arranged by current; so this is for one level for j in range(len(spikes[i])): if spikes[i][j] >= window[0] and spikes[i][j] <= window[1]: winspikes.append(spikes[i][j]) filteredspikes.append(winspikes) # now build filtered spike list return filteredspikes def rest_vm(self): """ Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- The mean resting membrane potential. """ d = int(self.durs[0] / self.dt) rvm = np.array( [ np.array(self.voltage_traces[i][d // 2 : d]).mean() for i in range(len(self.voltage_traces)) ] ).mean() return rvm def input_resistance_tau(self, vmin=-10.0, imax=0, return_fits=False): """ Estimate resting input resistance and time constant. Parameters ---------- vmin : float minimum voltage to use in computation relative to resting imax : float maximum current to use in computation. return_eval : bool If True, return lmfit.ModelFit instances for the subthreshold trace fits as well. Returns ------- dict : Dict containing: * 'slope' and 'intercept' keys giving linear regression for subthreshold traces near rest * 'tau' giving the average first-exponential fit time constant * 'fits' giving a record array of exponential fit data to subthreshold traces. Analyzes only traces hyperpolarizing pulse traces near rest, with no spikes. """ Vss = self.steady_vm() vmin += self.rest_vm() Icmd = self.current_cmd rawspikes = self.spike_times() spikes = self.spike_filter(rawspikes, window=[self.p_start, self.p_end]) steps = len(Icmd) nSpikes = np.array([len(s) for s in spikes]) # find traces with Icmd < 0, Vm > -70, and no spikes. vmask = Vss >= vmin imask = Icmd <= imax smask = nSpikes > 0 mask = vmask & imask & ~smask if mask.sum() < 2: print( "WARNING: Not enough traces to do linear regression in " "IVCurve.input_resistance_tau()." ) print( "{0:<15s}: {1:s}".format( "vss", ", ".join(["{:.2f}".format(v) for v in Vss]) ) ) print( "{0:<15s}: {1:s}".format( "Icmd", ", ".join(["{:.2f}".format(i) for i in Icmd]) ) ) print("{0:<15s}: {1:s}".format("vmask", repr(vmask.astype(int)))) print("{0:<15s}: {1:s} ".format("imask", repr(imask.astype(int)))) print("{0:<15s}: {1:s}".format("spikemask", repr(smask.astype(int)))) raise Exception( "Not enough traces to do linear regression (see info above)." ) # Use these to measure input resistance by linear regression. reg = scipy.stats.linregress(Icmd[mask], Vss[mask]) (slope, intercept, r, p, stderr) = reg # also measure the tau in the same traces: pulse_start = int(self.p_start / self.dt) pulse_stop = int((self.p_end) / self.dt) fits = [] fit_inds = [] tx = self.time_values[pulse_start:pulse_stop].copy() for i, m in enumerate(mask): if not m or (self.rest_vm() - Vss[i]) <= 1: continue trace = self.voltage_traces[i][pulse_start:pulse_stop] # find first minimum in the trace min_ind = np.argmin(trace) min_val = trace[min_ind] min_diff = trace[0] - min_val tau_est = min_ind * self.dt * (1.0 - 1.0 / np.e) # print ('minind: ', min_ind, tau_est) fit = fitting.Exp1().fit( trace[:min_ind], method="nelder", x=tx[:min_ind], xoffset=(tx[0], "fixed"), yoffset=(min_val, -120.0, -10.0), amp=(min_diff, 0.0, 50.0), tau=(tau_est, 0.5, 50.0), ) # find first maximum in the trace (following with first minimum) max_ind = np.argmax(trace[min_ind:]) + min_ind max_val = trace[max_ind] max_diff = min_val - max_val tau2_est = max_ind * self.dt * (1.0 - 1.0 / np.e) amp1_est = fit.params["amp"].value tau1_est = fit.params["tau"].value amp2_est = fit.params["yoffset"] - max_val # print('tau1, tau2est: ', tau1_est, tau2_est) # fit up to first maximum with double exponential, using prior # fit as seed. fit = fitting.Exp2().fit( trace[:max_ind], method="nelder", x=tx[:max_ind], xoffset=(tx[0], "fixed"), yoffset=(max_val, -120.0, -10.0), amp1=(amp1_est, 0.0, 200.0), tau1=(tau1_est, 0.5, 50.0), amp2=(amp2_est, -200.0, -0.5), tau_ratio=(tau2_est / tau1_est, 2.0, 50.0), tau2="tau_ratio * tau1", ) fits.append(fit) fit_inds.append(i) # convert fits to record array # print len(fits) # fits[0].params if len(fits) > 0: key_order = sorted( fits[0].params ) # to ensure that unit tests remain stable dtype = [(k, float) for k in key_order] + [("index", int)] fit_data = np.empty(len(fits), dtype=dtype) for i, fit in enumerate(fits): for k, v in fit.params.items(): fit_data[i][k] = v.value fit_data[i]["index"] = fit_inds[i] if "tau" in fit_data.dtype.fields: tau = fit_data["tau"].mean() else: tau = fit_data["tau1"].mean() else: slope = 0.0 intercept = 0.0 tau = 0.0 fit_data = [] ret = {"slope": slope, "intercept": intercept, "tau": tau, "fits": fit_data} if return_fits: return ret, fits else: return ret def show(self, cell=None, rmponly=False): """ Plot results from run_iv() Parameters ---------- cell : cell object (default: None) """ if not HAVE_PG: raise Exception("Requires pyqtgraph") # # Generate figure with subplots # app = pg.mkQApp() win = pg.GraphicsWindow( "%s %s (%s)" % (cell.status["name"], cell.status["modelType"], cell.status["species"]) ) = win win.resize(1000, 800) Vplot = win.addPlot(labels={"left": "Vm (mV)", "bottom": "Time (ms)"}) rightGrid = win.addLayout(rowspan=2) win.nextRow() Iplot = win.addPlot(labels={"left": "Iinj (nA)", "bottom": "Time (ms)"}) IVplot = rightGrid.addPlot(labels={"left": "Vm (mV)", "bottom": "Icmd (nA)"}) IVplot.showGrid(x=True, y=True) rightGrid.nextRow() spikePlot = rightGrid.addPlot( labels={"left": "Iinj (nA)", "bottom": "Spike times (ms)"} ) rightGrid.nextRow() FIplot = rightGrid.addPlot( labels={"left": "Spike count", "bottom": "Iinj (nA)"} ), 10), 5) # # Plot simulation and analysis results # Vm = self.voltage_traces Iinj = self.current_traces Icmd = self.current_cmd t = self.time_values steps = len(Icmd) # plot I, V traces colors = [(i, steps * 3.0 / 2.0) for i in range(steps)] for i in range(steps): Vplot.plot(t, Vm[i], pen=colors[i]) Iplot.plot(t, Iinj[i], pen=colors[i]) if rmponly: return # I/V relationships IVplot.plot( Icmd, self.peak_vm(), symbol="o", symbolBrush=(50, 150, 50, 255), symbolSize=4.0, ) IVplot.plot(Icmd, self.steady_vm(), symbol="s", symbolSize=4.0) # F/I relationship and raster plot spikes = self.spike_times() for i, times in enumerate(spikes): spikePlot.plot( x=times, y=[Icmd[i]] * len(times), pen=None, symbol="d", symbolBrush=colors[i], symbolSize=4.0, ) FIplot.plot(x=Icmd, y=[len(s) for s in spikes], symbol="o", symbolSize=4.0) # Print Rm, Vrest rmtau, fits = self.input_resistance_tau(return_fits=True) s = rmtau["slope"] i = rmtau["intercept"] # tau1 = rmtau['fits']['tau1'].mean() # tau2 = rmtau['fits']['tau2'].mean() # print ("\nMembrane resistance (chord): {0:0.1f} MOhm Taum1: {1:0.2f} Taum2: {2:0.2f}".format(s, tau1, tau2)) # Plot linear subthreshold I/V relationship ivals = np.array([Icmd.min(), Icmd.max()]) vvals = s * ivals + i line = pg.QtGui.QGraphicsLineItem(ivals[0], vvals[0], ivals[1], vvals[1]) line.setPen(pg.mkPen(255, 0, 0, 70)) line.setZValue(-10) IVplot.addItem(line, ignoreBounds=True) # plot exponential fits for fit in fits: t = np.linspace(self.p_start, self.p_end, 1000) y = fit.eval(x=t) Vplot.plot( t, y, pen={"color": (100, 100, 0), "style": pg.QtCore.Qt.DashLine} ) # plot initial guess # y = fit.eval(x=t, **fit.init_params.valuesdict()) # Vplot.plot(t, y, pen={'color': 'b', 'style': pg.QtCore.Qt.DashLine}) print("Resting membrane potential: %0.1f mV\n" % self.rest_vm())