# coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import os import sys import pyqtgraph as pg import numpy as np # In[7]: dir_path = os.path.abspath("") win = pg.GraphicsWindow() win.setBackground("w") p1 = win.addPlot( title="Pauser PSTH", row=0, col=0, labels={"bottom": "T (ms)", "left": "# of spikes"}, ) p2 = win.addPlot( title="Buildup PSTH", row=1, col=0, labels={"bottom": "T (ms)", "left": "# of spikes"}, ) p3 = win.addPlot( title="Wide Chopper PSTH", row=2, col=0, labels={"bottom": "T (ms)", "left": "# of spikes"}, ) # In[ ]: bins = np.arange(0, 80, 0.5) PB_spike_data = [] with open("Ad081098_065_PauserBuildup_psth.txt", "r+") as df: for x in df: x = x.strip("\n").strip() x = float(x) * 1e-3 if x: PB_spike_data.append(x) histogram, binedges = np.histogram(PB_spike_data, bins) p1.plot( binedges, histogram, stepMode=True, fillBrush=(0, 0, 0, 255), brush=pg.mkBrush("k"), fillLevel=0, ) B_spike_data = [] with open("Ad041599_062_Buildup_psth.txt", "r+") as df: for x in df: x = x.strip("\n").strip() x = float(x) * 1e-3 if x: B_spike_data.append(x) histogram, binedges = np.histogram(B_spike_data, bins) p2.plot( binedges, histogram, stepMode=True, fillBrush=(0, 0, 0, 255), brush=pg.mkBrush("k"), fillLevel=0, ) C_spike_data = [] with open("Ad081998_199_WideChopper_psth.txt", "r+") as df: for x in df: x = x.strip("\n").strip() x = float(x) * 1e-3 if x: C_spike_data.append(x) histogram, binedges = np.histogram(C_spike_data, bins) p3.plot( binedges, histogram, stepMode=True, fillBrush=(0, 0, 0, 255), brush=pg.mkBrush("k"), fillLevel=0, ) # In[ ]: win.show() print("finished") if sys.flags.interactive == 0: pg.QtGui.QApplication.exec_()