# jQuery.fancyTable A jQuery plugin for making html tables searchable and sortable with pagination. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/myspace-nu/jquery.fancyTable.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/myspace-nu/jquery.fancyTable) [![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/mashape/apistatus.svg)](https://github.com/myspace-nu/jquery.fancyTable/blob/master/LICENSE) ## Live demo See a live demo on [CodePen](https://codepen.io/myspace-nu/full/ZVEKyR) ## Installation Using npm npm install jquery.fancytable --save Using CDN Or manually by including the script *after* the jQuery library ## Usage ## Options **globalSearch** - Use global search for all columns globalSearch: false *Default: false* **globalSearchExcludeColumns** - Defines a number of columns to exclude from the global search. globalSearchExcludeColumns: [2,5] // Exclude 2nd and 5th column. *Default: undefined* **inputPlaceholder** - Placeholder to use for <input> inputPlaceholder: 'Sök...' *Default: 'Search...'* **inputStyle** - Style attributes to use for <input> inputStyle: 'color:black;' *Default: ''* **onInit** - Function called after initialization onInit:function(){ console.log({ element:this }); } **onUpdate** - Function called after each update (sort and search) onUpdate:function(){ console.log({ element:this }); } **pagination** - Use pagination or not pagination: true *Default: false* **paginationClass** - CSS class to use for pagination buttons pagination: 'btn btn-primary' *Default: 'btn btn-light'* **paginationClassActive** - CSS class to use for active pagination buttons pagination: 'someClass' *Default: 'active'* **paginationElement** - Selector for element to place pagination controls in. paginationElement: '#someElement' *Default: undefined* - Undefined will create a (remove any existing) table footer to place controls in. **pagClosest** - Create pagination buttons for tbe n closest pages pagClosest: 5 *Default: 3* **perPage** - Rows per page when using pagination perPage: 5 *Default: 10* **searchable** - Should the table be searchable or not searchable: false *Default: true* **sortable** - Should the table be sortable or not sortable: false *Default: true* **sortColumn** - Column number for initial sorting sortColumn: 5 *Default: undefined* **sortOrder** - Initial sort order sortOrder: 'descending' // Valid values are 'desc', 'descending', 'asc', 'ascending', -1 (descending) and 1 (ascending) *Default: 'ascending'* ## Data attributes **data-sortas="numeric"** - Used in the table header element